bonus 02. move in with me

Start from the beginning

the lighting was perfect as the window was right in front of him, the background showed the marble textured high table where the coffee and tea makers were, and levi was looking sideways so naturally it captured his side profile.

goddamn i want that side profile.

"don't attack me! you look good, see!?" you showed him the picture, and he stared at it with no expression, not that he usually had one aside from when he's irritated—which, is more than not.

"do i now?" the man's nonchalant expression was gone as he looked at you, smirking.

he probably expects me to get flustered lol

flustered MY ASS

"yeah <3 i'll even take more so i can place them beside me and they can stare at me while i sleep." you laugh, making him flustered.

gotteeeeem x8402920

"no. absolutely not."

those were good times.

"why are you laughing? are you going crazy?" levi asks, furrowing his brows.

"oh my god—i'm sorry you had to deal with this abomination then." you chuckle, giving him back the polaroid while using your other hand to point to yourself.

he's going to tell me he still has to deal with me, i bet.

"don't say sorry until you leave me alone, because technically i am still dealing with you."

i don't know whether to be proud for being right or not ....

"it's more like me dealing with you!! you literally follow everything i say, and it's...kinda cute honestly, but you were much less of a simp back in high school." you tease, though unfortunately levi doesn't take that as a joke.

"you idiot..."

"you forgot the 'r' after you."

"no, fuck you." he says while walking away.

"i thought we were going to talk?!" you shout.

"i'm grabbing the tea, your fucking highness!" he shout back from the kitchen.

he's done with me lol </////3

"anyway, i know you can hear me so i'll just stop shouting. how did you do in that math exam you had?" you ask before levi comes back, carrying his black tea and your chamomile tea.

"better than you did."

"i doubt that. i aced that shit."

he ignores you, bringing up a new topic.

"how did that presentation go?"

"decent. armin had to do most of the talking because people fucking scare me!" you complain.

"keep slacking off, and you'll end the semester with less than a 3.0 gpa." he shrugged.

"but i wasn't?! shut up, you idiot, it wasn't even that bad—you're over exaggerating!!"

"the last project you had with him, you practically made me do everything. it's like i'm his group mate instead of you."


y do m*n have the audacity .

"prick." you mutter under your breath, but someone levi still heard it.

"you want to repeat that?"

ok lmao :]

"it's my pleasure—you're a prick!" you wasted no time as you take your tea and stand up from the couch, flipped the guy off and walked to your room.

EVERMORE, levi ackerman ✓Where stories live. Discover now