What lemons?!?!

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Lord of the Beans


Why'd you do that?!

Anonymous Kid

Do what?

Lord of the Beans

You blew up my house!

Anonymous Kid

No I didnt

I'm not even online

Lord of the Beans

You set a trap!

Anonymous Kid

*shrug* maybe it was someone else?

Lord of the Beans

There's no one else on the server

Anonymous Kid



Lord of the Beans

So you did do it!

Anonymous Kid


But hey, when life hands you lemons make


Lord of the Beans

What lemons?!?!

Besides I don't like being handed things

Anonymous Kid


Then what do you do when someone tries

to hand you something?

Lord of the Beans

Ignore them

Besides, they're used to it by now

Especially... um

... Sadness

Anonymous Kid

His real name is Sadness?

Lord of the Beans


Anonymous Kid


So you never get handed things?

Lord of the Beans

Not if I can avoid it

Anonymous Kid

How do you live this way?

Lord of the Beans

I just do


LoB get off Minecraft and get over here

Anonymous Kid


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