{Part three- September first}

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I woke up too a loud vibration next to my head. I pry my eyes open to see what it is, and there was a dark black fur ball right beside my ear. I decided I would get up on my own today and lifted my body so that i was sitting. I got out of bed and went over to my calendar. Once I realized there was no more days left of august, I got a rush of adrenaline and I was now very much awake. Today was the day. Ignoring the calendar situation, I rush over to the clothing  rack and yank off today's outfit. It was light green, plaid skirt with a white tank top and a fuzzy sage green cardigan. I change from my night gown to my outfit and rush to the washroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I walk over to my vanity and start brushing through my knotted hair. I get out a white head band and place it on my head. Hades finally decides to jump off of the bed and walks over to me. I pick him up and attack him in kisses which he doesn't seem to mind. I check the time. 8:00am. The elves normally wake me up at 8:30. Perfect. I set Hades down and open the tall mahogany doors. With my cat trailing behind me, I run down the stairs and into the kitchen where the air was quickly filled with the smell of breakfast. 

    "Oh you're up earlier than usual." I heard my mother exclaim. 

     "Yes, well. I just couldn't wait. Plus, I need to get prepared." We walked over to the diner table and that's where I saw my dad "Good morning, father." I said while sitting on one of the table chairs. 

     "Are you ready for your very first day at Hogwarts?" He questioned 

      "Readier than i'll ever be." I said before I glanced over to where Hades' new food and water dishes were and sure enough, he was sitting there enjoying his meal. It's been about a month since I've had Hades and hes grown a little. He's still small, of course, but definitely bigger.

     Soon enough, it was 10:30am. "It's time to go! Mother yelled from the porch. I scrambled to my feet and ran towards my mother. All my stuff was beside her, including a small, fancy, golden cage, assumably for my cat. I had put on healed white pump shoes, then picked up my pretty little kitty and pushed him into his cage. 

      Mother and I got to kings cross at 10:40am. My dad had some important work he had to get done so he couldn't come here with us. I looked around and as I suspected, there was no platform 9 3/4. We walked over to inbetween platforms 9 and 10, "Okay, Farrah. You're going to run straight inbetween the platforms and all I want you to think about as you're doing that is going through it. Okay? Off you go." Before I could reply, I looked over mother's shoulder and saw about six red heads coming over along with one other boy with round glasses and scruffy brown hair. Harry Potter. My father was talking about him earlier about how he should be going to Hogwarts this year. I had no intention to be friends with him honestly. I don't understand all the fame he gets. Can I be famous for living too? My attention went back to the wall. 

    "you'll meet me on the other side, right?" 

     "Yes, yes. Don't worry! Now go!" Welp. Here goes nothing. I run full speed waiting for the impact of my face colliding with the cold stone wall. But there wan't any. I now was standing on the other side of the wall, and there it was. The gorgeous train. My thoughts about the train were inturrupten when I felt someone ram onto my back, forcing my to topple over. I looked up at my attacker who was facing his back towards me, and watched him spin around to face me. 

     " I'm terribly sorry about that. Let me help you up," The ginger put his hand out for me to take, which I did, and pulled me up off the ground and onto my feet. "I'm Fred. Fred Weasly." He said, my hand still in his, he started shaking it. 

     "I'm Farrah Brilla." I said with a proud smirk as his eyes widened and he took his hand off of mine 

     "Your father's Navy Brilla! Oh I hear about you guys all the time!" 

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