{Part two- Birthday dinner}

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Later that day, Mother and I took Hades to Diagon Alley to get all his kitty stuff like a collar, bed, and grooming materials. I tried to convince mom that he would just sleep with me in my bed but she insisted on getting him a proper cat bed. His collar was beautiful. It was deep green with emeralds and gold, it was leather on the inside and the shop owner jinxed it so it wouldn't get his fur caught in it.

 It was deep green with emeralds and gold, it was leather on the inside and the shop owner jinxed it so it wouldn't get his fur caught in it

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Hades was a very playful kitten I found. He was also very.... Protective over only me. he would barely let my mom hold my hand without hissing the whole time. While mother was getting annoyed at the tiny creature, I enjoyed it. We got lots of looks from the other people around but mother an I just held our heads high ignoring them and when we do, we look at them as if they're filth. Its true. Or the fact we are just way more superior. Narcissa and mother told me to act as though I am the most important person in the world and currently, I am. 

      "Oh dear, it's already four!" Mother exclaimed. " We're meeting with the Malfoys at the castle in an hour for your birthday dinner. We best get going, come on now." Mother says as I latch onto her arm while tightly holding Hades close as we apparate back. When we arrive, I could smell the food that the house elves were cooking for dinner and it smelled delicious. I set Hades down and ran upstairs to my room to see if he would follow and luckily, he did! Ah, my dream already coming true. 

      Hades and I Play in my room on the carpet until a loud knock at the door was heard. "Come in." The door swung open and there stood an all to familiar platinum headed boy "DRACO!" I yelled running over to him throwing myself onto him and holding him in a tight hug, in which he returns. I haven't seen this boy in a whole month and a half because his family went on a trip to Hawaii with Zabini's. 

     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FARR- OW!" I pull away and  see him staring at something on the floor.

      "Hades! careful! It's okay, Draco won't ever hurt me! I promise."

      "Me too," Draco says as I bed down on my knees to try and calm the cat. It was like Hades understood me and purred at my touch. He apparently let Draco on his good side and started playing with his hands once he sat down beside me to pet the cat. "when did you get him?" Draco asked still playing with the kitten in his hands. 

    "Just today. He was a birthday gift. His name is Hades. Isn't he gorgeous?" I said, proudly beaming down at him.

   "Just like you." Draco says, making me lift my head to face him. He playfully winked at me and we both burst out laughing. Draco always complimented me in a joking way. Our laughing was interrupted by the door opening with Alfie. 

    "D-Dinner's r-ready Miss. Brilla, Mr. Malfoy."  Alfie Quietly said. 

    "we'll be down in a minute." I said before she nodded and left to go back downstairs. We stood up and Draco opened the door. Hades follows behind as Draco holds his arm out for me to take. That's one thing I love about living in a high society, the boys are taught to be such gentle men. We walk down stairs to be greeted by everyone.

    "Happy birthday, dear!" Narcissa pulls me into a tight hug in which, I return. 

    " Thank you very much, Narcissa!" I say cheerfully. after plenty of happy birthdays, the elves inform us that dinner is served. When we're all at the dining room, Draco and I sit beside each other and ate our food. 

   "Oh yeah! I was meaning to ask you, Farrah, did you get your Hogwarts letter yet?" Draco questioned. My Hogwarts letter. I had almost forgotten. My eyes lit up and I nodded frantically with my mouth filled with mashed potato's I hummed in response. "Good. Me too." He says proudly. from under the table, I felt soft fur jump up onto my thighs making me almost shriek but instead my eyes just widened again in shock. 

     "What's wrong, Farrah?" Father must've noticed my actions.

      "Hades!" I said. The blonde beside me giggled while stuffing his face with food. Father snapped at one of the house elves signaling to retrieve my kitten. "No, No! He really doesn't like other people, Father." I informed him before it was too late. "He can just stay in my lap. I don't mind." 

      "Farrah, that's not proper! Besides, Doesn't Hades maybe want some of his own food?" Mother asked gently. I picked Hades up and brought him to where the house elf was leading me towards his food. I set him down by a fancy gold bowl with fancy looking cat food. He sniffed around before sitting down to enjoy his meal. I walked back to the dinner table and sat back in my seat. 

     A couple hours after dinner, we said our goodbyes to the Malfoy's, and mom sent me off to get ready for bed. I scooped up my cat and brought him up the steps with me. I know that if I would've left him on the ground he still would've followed, I just love carrying him like a baby so that's exactly what I did. I changed out of my birthday dress into a new night gown. I plopped down onto my bed with my new potions book in one hand, and Hades in the other. I got to about page three when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said from my bed and in came my beautiful mother. I set my book down and waited for her to say something. 

    " are you ready for bed, love?" 

    "Yes, mom." She walked over and planted a warm kiss on my cheek and wrapped her arms around me. She walked back to the doorway and before she left she said one last thing before turning out the lights. 

   " Happy birthday, Darling and good night." She blew me a kiss and the light in the room when out as she closes the door behind her. 

    "Goodnight, mom. Goodnight, Hades. I love you."

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