Chapter 18

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"Where art thou Bakugo." Kaminari asked with his arms raised on either side of him like a priest starting a prayer. 

"Thou is on thy way." Kirishima responded, his arms also raised. 

"Hath thou got thy stuff?" Sero asked the group, his arms also raised. They nodded in affirmation. 

Ojiro, who had been standing guard the entire time with his eyes looking in all directions, signaled that Bakugo was on his way. 

"Brothers." Kaminari turned around to face all of them, bowed, and began his descent up the small step-stool. "It is time." 

"Yes." They responded.

Kirishima grabbed the white chicken that Ojiro had been holding in one of his many hands and took his place in front of Kaminari. 
Sero walked forward and placed the two plungers onto Kaminari's chest and lit a match. 

They heard rustling and soon Bakugo's distant voice could be heard coming from around the corner. 

"Oi, where are you fuckers?" 

Sero placed the match at the tips of the plunger handles and watched as the string to the fireworks tied around the plungers started to burn. 

When Bakugo finally rounded the corner with his hands in his pockets, he froze, the scene before him too much for him to process. By the time he came to, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima were reciting the death scene of Romeo and Juliet in song-form while the fireworks went off around them. 

"NO! You fucking idiots!" 

Bakugo, who was sweaty from speed-walking there, was standing too close to an incoming barrage of fireworks and ended up creating a small explosion. 

In the distance, Izuku smiled at the sight of fireworks and bright lights as he made his way inside the building. 

Kaminari was one of the first to recover from the incident and it left him feeling extremely exhausted. 

He made his way inside the building and spotted the person he'd been looking for sitting at the kitchen counter with a glass of water in his hand. 

Kaminari shuffled over to him and wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into his fluff of green hair, inhaling deeply. 

"What are you doing?" Izuku asked in curiosity, placing his hands over Kaminari's. 

Kaminari sighed in contentment and twirled one of his curls around his finger. 
"I'm recharging." 

There was a series of "Aww's" and "You guys are so cute" coming from the small group around them but Kaminari was more preoccupied with how Izuku's hair could be so soft. 

Izuku, feeling embarrassed, averted his eyes to the floor, trying to hide the warmth coloring his cheeks. 

"So." Jiro leaned against the counter. "You were telling us about Kaminari?" 

The blonde's attention came back to the conversation at the mention of his name. 

"Oh! Yeah, he was so amazing that day. I still don't know exactly how he did that shield-thing with his quirk. It wasn't even part of the plan. None of it was part of the plan actually. I'm so proud of him, everyday." 

Kaminari was certain he was having a heart attack as Izuku started praising him. He was thankful his face was hidden in his mass of green curls so no one could see his face, which was a bright red at this point. 

At some point Izuku stopped rambling on about his boyfriend and everyone else started conversing loudly. Izuku turned his head so he could see half of Kaminari's flustered face and offered him a genuine smile. 

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