"I'm not clubbing per se," she replied, her voice sharp as usual, "I just came for Helena."

"In other words, I dragged her along," Helena added with a light laugh.

"Trust Lena to force people out of their comfort zones," Richard remarked, though his icy blue eyes softened slightly as he looked briefly in her green irises, "you look lovely tonight, by the way."

The compliment sent a wave of heat hitting her cheeks but she kept herself composed, not knowing what to say in reply to that. She could still feel his subtle gaze on her while she was trying the hardest not to look back at him.

He had told her she looked lovely but if that was the case, then he looked absolutely ravishing and it was hard to even try keeping eyes away from him.

"Anyway, I was heading to the bar. Would you lovely ladies care for a drink?" He spoke up, breaking the tension diffusing in the air around them.

"Of course, a Cabernet for me," Helena was quick to reply.

"And you, Miss Gordon?"


He touched his head in a light salute towards Helena as if to say he would be right back, then disappeared among the crowd.

"You never told me you knew Grayson," with him gone, Barbara took the chance to interrogate her friend instead.

"Well, it must have slipped my mind, I guess? I've known Richard for a long time now. And I stand by my verdict that he's not that bad as you think of him right now."

Barbara shrugged, "I don't think of him. At all."

Helena's grey eyes sparked with a playful hint, "oh sure you don't. By the way you got all uncomfortable in his presence, one could assume you two have had history."

She stared at her friend, mouth agape, "what the hell, Len?"

"Your reaction says otherwise, honey. Or if not history since that seems too outrageous to you, but you can't deny it that you two have very thick sexual tension. If I were in your place, I would have..."

Barbara thought it best to stop her before her descriptions got graphic, "too much info."

She raised an eyebrow playfully, "hey, you didn't say that my assumption was wrong though."

"Helena, no..." Barbara took in a deep breath then added, "he's insufferable..."

"Insufferably hot? That I agree with." Helena had an amused glint in her eyes which showed she was having fun teasing her.

"Stop doing that."

"I see how he looks at you and vice versa," Helena mused, eyes searching for Richard among the crowd, "and the way he flirts with you is downright adorable."

She felt her cheeks heat up again and knew her face would be just as red as the shade of her hair by then. "He's accustomed to flirt with everybody, that's no big deal."

Helena looked at her for a whole minute then burst into laughter, "honey, he doesn't flirt with everybody. I thought you knew a lot about him since you've interrogated him multiple times but guess you missed out the most distinct detail."

Barbara looked back at her as if confused, "what do you mean?"

"You don't know what's the main reason to his popularity around here, do you?" She had leaned closer as if telling her a secret, "he never ever flirts with anyone. Many have tried their charms on him but to no avail. In his own flights of fancy, he once mentioned it was being like the moon to his spectators. Out there for everyone to see but not in everyone's reach."

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