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10 minutes later, me, Parzival,Art3mis and Aech were all walking through Aech's workshop. "This is my workshop, touch nothing" Aech said, showing Art3mis his vast Workspace. "Omg, where did you find an Iron Giant?" art3mis said, fan-girling over the big metal giant. "Find it? I'm building it! after commission" Aech replied.

"Yeah! People all around the Oasis pay him serious coin. He's one of the best" I say, leaning against a stand next to Z. "Ah, cool. You must know a lot of stuff" Art3mis says as Z rests his arm on my shoulder. I straightened up, my heart beat doubling up. "Oh hey, check this out!" Z said, running off to a metal box on a work bench. I followed them all to the bench and sat on the table, staring at them all. Z opened the box. "Z, yo-" Aech started before Parzival cut him off. "The galactica" He said, raising it out of the box so Art3mis could look at it. "Yo, why you always touching my shit?" Aech questioned him, looking annoyed. "That thing is sick, travels space like a boss. I mean you can get from insipia to-" Z got cut off by Aech slamming down the lid of the tin box, making me jump and it echoed. "You'll have to excuse him, he get's nervous around pretty girls" Aech said, smiling at Art3mis. I scoffed "Ouch, I'm right here you know" I said, with fake mock in my voice. "No No! It's not that you aren't pretty, I mean you are pretty-" Z rubbed his neck uncomfortably "It's just that I see you more as a friend." Z said. That made my heart drop, but I decided not to show it. Aech clicked his fingers and Art3mis threw her mini bike at him. He caught it, examined it with special glasses and said "I can fix this in ten minutes."

While Z and Arty we're talking, I sidled up next to Aech while he was working. "Hey, why did you blush earlier on when Z called you pretty? You the one catching feelings?" He said in his deep voice. I was almost certain that it was a voice changer. "You saw that?" I said, embarrassed. "How could you not!?" He responded. "Ugh, fine. Yes, ok. I like Parzival" I said in a silent tone. "But if you tell anyone, I will kill you in planet doom next time we PvP" I continued in a whisper. "Pfft, fine."

"It wouldn't matter anyway, he likes Art3mis" I exclaimed, putting my head in my hands. Aech pulled another pair of his special side glasses and looked at z's and Arty's heart rates. "Yeah, I think you're right. Z's heartrate is going through the roof."
"What really?" I asked, feeling my heart drop to my feet. "yeah, but I wouldn't worry about it, she's not looking too interested herself to be honest". Aech turned back to what he was doing while I groaned and walked over to them.
"Thanks for the fix-up my man" Art3mis said in my direction. I thought she was talking to me, but I didn't realise she was talking to Aech behind me. She ran a hand through Z's hair, creating electric sparks. "That's better" she said, tilting her head to look at his hair before it returned to normal again. I curled my fists. "Wave to you from the finish line" she nodded to each one of us before lifting up her headset and logging out.

"Sorry guys, I got to go" Parzival says before logging out. I decided to log out as well. Saying goodbye to Aech, I logged out of Oasis, strapped out of my gear, and instantly fell into my bed. That's what nearly a whole day in the Oasis does to you.

I decided that the next day I would move to my old truck in the dumpster where my omni-directional treadmill was instead. Un-hooking my wires from the ceiling, I placed my gear in a special padded bag, closed it and immediately fell asleep.

Well Hello! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, but I also hope that it wasn't too weird flowing, if you get what I mean😂.

See you soon for another chapter! (Also I'm not sure how many chapters there will be. I'm hoping there's 10).

Ruby Xxx

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