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Life before the big disaster was clean and crisp, no unnerving amounts of technology around us. No big screens and caravans piled on top of each other. Just pure life.

Then, in 2023, the disaster struck. My family were led out to safety and found the stacks in Columbus Ohio. It was a dangerous place but it was manageable.

I was born in 2028. My parents split up two years after that, so I lived with my mom. (A/N I'm English but pretend I'm American for this story😂) My relationship with my mom was hard, but we undeniably loved each other.

For my 10th birthday, my mom raked her money out so she could buy me a headset and gear to go into the Oasis, which brings me to this point.

On the 6th of December 2025, James Halliday released the Oasis, a virtual atmosphere made to bring the life before the disaster to those who had never seen it. It was a HUGE success, and Halliday became the richest man in the world shortly after the release. Everyone played it. Young, old, teen, parents, Everyone. It was a chance for the world to come together and form friendships and even relationships. It's even where I met my best friends and crush: Aech, Daito, Sho and Parzival. We played everyday together, beating quests and slaughtering other players on Doom planet. But the world was not ready for what was going to happen next.

In 2040, Halliday died. It was a devastating occasion and everyone around the globe watched it. But as he didn't have any children, a big event started.

There was a quest to find three keys, the copper key, the jade key and the crystal key. But this was no ordinary quest. If you found all of these keys from different and challenging games, you would receive an egg and power over the whole Oasis. Everyone went crazy, and started searching for it. When someone released a portal to a race track, everyone knew that was how you got the first key. But for 5 years no one has ever found them. That is, until , it clicked.


Hey everyone! I'm feeling very excited about this one, so I'll probably be updating it soon (if school doesn't get too in the way) hope you enjoyed it!

Also, I don't have the DVD and I would have to keep paying for the movie for the book to be true-ish to the film, so if something doesn't sound right, please tell me in the comments.
My memory is also terrible so...

Ruby Xxx

Race to the eggحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن