Chapter 61: Two Twilight Towns

Start from the beginning

"Better late than never. But if you actually believe it'll get us there, then do what you can, Mads," I say.

Madison smiles in my direction and drives us to Twilight Town. We ended up entering another gate, just like we did before entering the previous worlds. But this gate was different from the others; it was completely filled with Nobody ships. I'm not sure if they were expecting us or not, but they definitely weren't going to let us enter Twilight Town that easily.

However, thanks to Madison's driving skills, we managed to make it all the way through and land somewhere in Twilight town. We landed somewhere near the train station and begin to look around.

"Hey! I think we're almost there!" Goofy exclaims all of a sudden. The others and I all look at him with confusion, not sure what he means. "Gwarsh, I know Madison said that the entrance to the Organization's world is somewhere in the second Twilight Town, but aren't we also here because of the picture? Look, I'll show ya!"

Goofy takes out a photo, the same one Riku left for us a while back, which shows Hayner, Pence, Olette, Harmonyx, Xamira and Roxas all standing in front of a mansion.

"Yeah! Goofy's right!" Donald exclaims.

"I completely forgot all about that," Luke admits.

"Well, we have been busy lately," Heisuke points out.

"And that's exactly where we're going," Madison says, making us all turn our attention on her, becoming confused again. "That mansion in the photo is actually where Diz's computer is located, inside of a hidden room."

"Come to think of it, I think we might've saw something like that, before we met Harmony, and on our way out of the mansion," Harada says, putting some thought into it.

Nagakura nods his head in agreement. "Yeah. I think we definitely saw something like that. I thought it was pretty weird looking, to be honest."

I then realize something. "Wait. Riku was the one who left us that photo, right? Maybe he was trying to help us, giving us a clue as to where to find the Organization's stronghold."

"It is possible. He must've figured it out way before we did and left that photo as a clue for us. Anyway, it has been a while, but I do remember where the computer, and the mansion, is located. So, follow me," says Madison.

"Lead the way, Mads!" Sora exclaims.

Like Madison promised, she led us all the way to the mansion. When we get there, however--

"Hayner! Pence! Olette!" I exclaim with worry.

The others and I rush to their side, finding them lying on the ground, looking a little bruised. Sora, Madison, Donald and I use Curaga on them, to help heal their wounds.

"Hey, are you all right?" Sora asks.

I gently shake Hayner awake. "Hey! Hayner!"

At the call of my voice, Hayner slowly opens his eyes and looks up at me. "Harmony!?"

"What happened?" I ask.

Instead of an immediate answer, Hayner gets up and tries to shake Pence awake. "Hey, Pence! Olette! Wake up! Harmony and the others are here!" once Pence and Olette wake up, Hayner then takes notice of Madison, Kuro and Stitch. "Uh, who are these guys?"

"Oh, right. This is the first time you've met. This is Madison, one of the friends I was looking for," I say.

"Hey," Madison says casually.

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now