* * *

"Dairen Dantes. What brings you here." Vincent said knowing the answer. His voice was cold and smooth. He didn't trust the man before him one bit.

"You have to go now. He's going to do it today."

"What!" Vincent was dying to play dumb with Dairen, to make him beg but there was no time. He was hoping for a day or two. But no he was not that lucky. "Why now. Why would you come to us now after we've begged for your help to save her for two years."

"Because I was able to keep the good in her alive until now. But if she passes her final test today you'll never get her back."  Dairen's worst fear was that he would loose her.  he has loved her in the silence for two years. But never has he even attempted to tell her.

"Where did he take her and what's he going to make her do?" Zera was also there. Dairen had summoned them both.

"What do you think. There's this guy that simply left the army and my Grandfather views him a traitor but he is an innocent and if she kills him it's all over for her and all of us. Trust me the manifestation of darkness in her soul is worse than Zoku's ever was already."

"That's not good."

"You think, why do you think I'm here."

"I thought it was to save your girlfriend." Vincent regained his composure and was ready to toy with Dairen's feelings. He viewed Dairen a moron for giving into his grandfather's will. "What makes you think we will help her."

"You have to because after today no one will be safe. And if you don't I'll ask someone who will. And he wont be happy you refused. He is after all my father and your captain." Dairen knew what Vincent had been planning and he knew how to counter it. He didn't have time for games. Ariena at full power and completely consumed by darkness was bad for everybody.

A grim look came over Vincent's face. "There's nothing anyone can do now. It's too late. Only she can make the choice."

"If only you had come to us sooner but now..." Dairen knew what Zera was saying was no lie. It was too late. Nothing anyone did could save her now. interrupting would only get all of them killed

"I see." was all he said and left. Vincent lived in a cottage in a meadow near the edge of a mountain. As Dairen walked out the door he teleported to the top of the mountain. He knew where Xavier had taken Ariena. It still early and there was a chance he could talk some sense into her. But it would be to no avail. She was too stubborn to listen to anyone when she was in her current state of mind. So he just stood there and overlooked the world in sadness.

* * *

Xavier noticed the second Ariena vanished from his side, but wasn't worried at least not until he felt her power level rising. She was feeding of off the people around her. This was dangerous because mortals can die if she took too much of their life-force. He had to find her and fast but he had no idea where it was coming from. She was hiding from him. This made him nervous but thankful for the time is bought him. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to pick and innocent man and have her take his life. 

 Before her transformation he would have had no problem with this but now destroying what's left of her was going to hurt him too. Not to mention that as he had gotten to know her over the past two years she became like the daughter he lost so many years ago. A daughter who he would protect as all cost. But this was an order from the high king and dying would leave him unable to keep his unspoken promise to be always be there to lookout for and protect her.

Today was the day he had feared and hoped for since the day he found her. The day he might loose her forever. He sighed. Then he saw where she might be. People were moving like zombies to the market area. He followed them and found everyone there bowed at her feet. A dark shadow, only he could see, around her.