Chapter Nine

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 My waking hour came all to soon as the dream I awoke from still made no sense at all. The conversation was clear enough but it was in utter darkness and I could not even make out the genders of the voices. What did it all mean?

I yawned as I got out of bed. It wasn't that I was still tired or anything, I was just lazy. In the wardrobe I found fresh training cloves. I got dressed and was out on the training field in minutes. I was alone, just the way I liked it.

My usual morning routine was interrupted by a fireball coming from the castle. I blocked it just in time and fired back. An explosion hit the ground just in front Xavior who had reared back. Seconds later we were sparring at full force. Neither of us held anything back. I was finally a match for Xavior. Energy and fireballs were flying everywhere and we were moving so fast that it seemed as if the rest of the world was just a blur. Our session ended as we hurtled at each other, our bodies collided and our energies repelled each other and we were both thrown backwards to the ground. We were both out of breath.

"Excellent match, My Pet. I've been wanting a fight like that for a very long time." Xavior said as he came to stand over me to help me up.

Clapping from behind me drew my attention to Dairen whom I hadn't even noticed until now. Dawn was breaking and the grounds where starting to swarm with soldiers coming from the barracks.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too." I took Xavier's hand as he pulled me to my feet.

"Well then, I'll leave you two to train now. Oh and I believe you mastered the zhinkao quite nicely." he said and left.

I smiled. I guess that's what happens when you have to keep up with an opponent that moves at the speed of light. "So, how long have you been standing there?" I turned to Dairen

"Long enough." he was smiling at me. Something over his shoulder caught my attention. Three uniformed captains were coming our way.

"Well look what we have here. If it isn't Xavior's new pet. Bet she can't even throw a proper punch." the one in the middle said to his friends.

"She's a far better fighter than any of you." Dairen tried to defend me.

"Look at him, trying to stand up for little girlfriend." said the one to the right. Their taunting was getting on my nerves. It was clear that these tree guys played by their own rules.

"I can stand up for myself thank you very much."

"Awe, look at her, acting all tough." said the one to the left bringing his hand to my head like he wanted to pet me. "Isn't that cute?" I grabbed his wrist as he came near my head and threw it down, knocking him of balance.

"Do not touch me." I scowled at him.

"Girl you do not know who you're messing with."

"Oh, really. So why don't we settle this like men and you can show me." I set the challenge.

"Anytime. Anywhere." he said eager for the fight. It was clear that they had not witnessed my match with Xavior just now.

We set the time and date for that night at midnight and the captain in the middle announced it to everyone on the training grounds. They left us and Dairen and I stared to train. We sparred for hours before I finally realized how hungry I was.

After breakfast Dairen and I continued our training. At sunset the soldiers started to leave the field in the same swarm that they arrived in this morning until only the two of us was left.

"That's enough for today. I'll see you later." I said.

"For the fight at midnight, right?" he looked kind of nervous.