Shoreo stood in the centre of the test field and just like last night spectators gathered but this time they only stood in a crescent around the far end of the field. Looking at the sun I saw that there was still at least a few minutes before noon. I looked back at the man on the field and rage clouded my clarity. Forget waiting for the opportune moment for revenge. I was angry and hungry now.

Zanepher grabbed my arm as I started to walk up to Shoreo. "Wait, now's not the time." she said. She was right but I just didn't care. I pulled my arm free from her grip and headed strait for the centre of the field.

"I thought you'd be out for at least a week." He mocked me. I said nothing I merely started to drain his energy.

"Stop it." Dairen's voice came from my left moments before he pushed me to the ground in an effort to distract me. It had worked but his interruption angered me.

"Why?" I asked indignant

"You can have at him later, just not now, okay."

"Fine," I sighed "but get in my way again and it will be you on the menu. Is that clear?"

"Yes, My Lady." he got up and bowed to me.

The final lieutenant's exam consisted of three things. The first was a display of power to prove that the candidate was capable of fighting at that level. The second was a display of swordsmanship to prove skill and the third was a fight against another lieutenant. In this fight you didn't need to win to pass the test. Is was more about how you fought than actually winning. But winning the fight meant an automatic pass.

Dairen did well in the first two but when it come time for the fight he was up against a captain. Non other than Shoreo.

"Given who you are, I thought I'd make this fight a fare one. Against the likes of you another lieutenant wouldn't stand a chance. Granted if you manage to defeat me I will promote you to Captain.

Given who you are? The words triggered my curiosity. I was well rested and should be able to find some answers in Dairen's or one of the other captain's minds. I could read only one mind at a time so I started with Dairen. His defenses was stronger than I had anticipated but breaking through them was almost too easy. The moment I got inside his mind and was able to hear his thoughts I understood why getting in was so little of a challenge. His mind was complex and his inner thoughts and secrets was in a language I was unfamiliar with. His secrets was there before my and yet I could not understand them. It was time to try another source.

"Don't even think about it. All good things to those who wait". He thought to me. 

 He knew what I was up to? 

"Of course I know". He thought as if he could read my mind but I knew he could not. I got out of his mind and shook my head in amazement. How could he know me so well after just a few days.

As I watched the two soldiers fight I learned that that my victory over Shoreo was shear luck. He was a much better fighter than I thought. Not to mention the powers he never got to use against me. Had I not ended the fight when I did I'd have surely lost. A rematch against him could be the ultimate test of my powers under the right circumstances.

"Captain Shoreo, it seem you were holding out on me last night." I didn't need to go into his mind this time to read his time to read his thoughts.

"No, you  just never gave me a chance to show you the full fury of my power. That last energy ball was an attempt to goad you into continuing our fight but obviously you didn't fall for it."

"I see, so how would you like a rematch?"

"It seems you're a sucker for punishment."

"No weapons this time, only powers."

CHRONICLES OF THE LOST ORACLE: BOOK ONE - SHADOWSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum