11.1 Charles & Sofia

Start from the beginning

You look around the living room while Arthur is opening one of the presents you and Charles bought, looking at you both with a big smile when he realises what it is. It's a cosy temperature in the room, the food smells delicious and everyone is chatting happily. You look at Charles when he squeezes your knee, smiling at him when he looks at you with a soft gaze. He leans towards you, whispering "I love you" before pecking your lips. You blush, smiling brightly at him before whispering it back. You stare at each other with huge smiles on your faces, forgetting about the others for a minute.

"This last present is from me to you" Charles says softly, handing you a small jewellery box. "Babe, you got me so much already! I need to up my game" you say, chuckling while squeezing his hand. His mom laughs, "get used to that ma douce, he's just like his dad. Always spoiling his girl." You look at Charles with a soft smile. He blushes, before swallowing when he looks at the photo of his dad and Jules on the fireplace mantel. He looks at you then, smiling softly before wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Open it ma chérie."

You gasp softly when you open the box. A beautiful gold necklace with a pendant of Charles' initials greets you, shining slightly due to the little diamonds that are in it as well. You look at him with wide eyes, while he looks at you with a bright smile. "Do you think it's pretty?" he asks softly, leaning towards you a bit. You nod, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye. "You're too much! But I love it, thank you meu amor" you kiss him, putting your hands on his cheeks before pulling away and looking at him with loving eyes. "Let me put it on you!" he says excitedly. You put your hair up, shifting on the couch so he can put the necklace around your neck.

The rest of the day with Charles' family is spent with a lot of laughter, food, and good conversations. Everyone is in a bright and relaxed mood, and your heart felt like it could burst from the love you were feeling that day. You smile when you look at Charles who's driving the two of you towards your apartment in Portugal now. Tomorrow will be spent with your family, and you couldn't wait to introduce Charles to your parents after talking about him every time you see them.

You wake up because of Charles who turns around in bed for the millionth time in the last five minutes. Your alarm clock says that it's 7:30, so there's no reason for him to be awake already. "Baby" you whisper, rolling on your side to pull him closer, "what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" he sighs, burying his face in the crook of your neck while wrapping his arms around your body. "I'm nervous" he mumbles, humming contently when you start playing with his hair. "What are you nervous about? It's seven thirty in the morning" you giggle, kissing him on his hair.

"I'm nervous about meeting your parents" he whispers, tightening his hold around you when you try to pull away so you can look at him. "You don't have to worry; they like you already because of what I told them about you. They are very excited to see you" you tell him, stroking his back while his breathing becomes a little slower. "Let's sleep some more, you don't have to be nervous" you mumble, listening how his breathing evens out before you fall asleep again as well.

You smile at Charles who's standing in front of the mirror, debating between a white button up with Santa hats or the shirt he wore to dinner with his family. "Wear the white one babe, white looks good on you." He hums, taking the black one of before sliding his arms through the material of the white button up. You walk towards him, standing between him and the mirror before you slowly close all the buttons. "You're looking as handsome as ever again meu amor, I'm a lucky lady" he smiles at your comment, looking down on you. You're wearing a red velvet material dress that hugs your body, with loose sleeves. "You look so pretty, I don't understand how you look good in every colour" he says, stroking your waist when you've finished buttoning his shirt. You stand on your toes, kissing him before you both finish getting ready to leave.

Your parents bombard Charles with questions about his job and life, which he answers with a bright smile on his face. Your father is excitedly telling Charles about what he thought was an amazing move from him a few races ago, which makes you smile. Charles was worried for no reason because your parents love him, just like you said they would. You squeeze his hand, telling him that you're going to help your mom in the kitchen. You promised to make the dessert, so now it was your time to shine.

"He's such a lovely man, he loves you a lot. It's very sweet to see" your mom says, looking at you with a bright smile. "Let me see the necklace!" she exclaims suddenly, and you laugh at her enthusiasm. You show her the necklace, to which she shakes her head with a smile. "Next Christmas it's a ring, this man wants the whole world to know you're his. He's a good one." You look up when Charles walks into the kitchen, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Your father wants to show me around so we're going to drive around, I think. What are you making?" you hum, telling him that it's a secret and that he should have fun with your dad. He pecks your lips before saying bye to your mom, smiling at her with a shy smile.

The rest of the day with your parents is filled in similar conditions as it was with Charles' family. You exchange gifts, stories and laughter while enjoying a delicious dinner. After dinner you play some board games, beating Charles at everything which makes him pout at you the entire evening. You're back at your apartment now, snuggled under the covers while he traces figures on your back. "I think this was the best Christmas I've ever had" he says softly, pressing you closer against his warm body. "I'm so happy" you mumble, kissing his collarbone when he whispers that he loves you.

You sit on a kitchen stool the next morning, waiting for the facetime call to connects. You smile when you see Marie and Nell on the screen. "Hello strangers! How is the winter break and Christmas treating you two?!"

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