Chapter 1

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It was already late evening when the last train of the day stopped at Magnolia train station. Freed stepped out and immediately he was greeted by a harsh rain that was pouring over the town with force, making him soaking wet in no time at all. He huffed and stretched out his limbs, rubbing his neck that was aching after trying to sleep in the train. He couldn't get a sleeper where to stay but at least he was now home and he would be able to sleep in his own bed tonight.

His own bed. Yes, he had really missed his bed after spending almost two weeks sleeping in a tent, trying to complete his mission fast so he could leave. By days he was constantly attacked by bugs and by nights it got so freezing he had to use runes so the temperature wouldn't drop inside his tent too much.

He sighed and started walking, even though his legs were starting to feel heavy. There was still one mission he had to accomplish before he would be able to go home and he wouldn't stop just because he was feeling a little bit tired.

Freed walked away from the empty train station to the silent streets of Magnolia, streetlights giving him enough light so he didn't need to walk in darkness.

After some time the stones on the road changed to mud and there were no longer streetlights because it was just a simple path in the forest. Since he was already wet because of the rain, he hardly even cared if he happened to step in some puddles. He would soon be home, then he would take a nice long bath, eat something good, drink some hot tea and go to bed. He would sleep as long as he felt like it, not caring even if he would stay in bed for two days.

The forest was dark and silent, except the continuous rain. Water dropped down on Freed's nose and made him sneeze, making his step falter just a little bit but he continued forward. He was constantly listening his surroundings, making sure he would immediately notice if he heard something that was even a little bit suspicious.

The rune mage followed the path and finally he could see some light in the middle of the forest. There was a huge tree and inside that tree there was a cottage. Freed almost let out a small chuckle, thinking how weird it felt to see Porlyusica's home and actually feel happy because of the sight. Normally anyone would avoid going there without a really good reason and the Thunder Legion wasn't an exception.

Freed walked closer to the cabin and he was happy to see there were enough lights on so it was safe to assume Porlyusica was still awake. He would rather go right back to the town than wake her up, even if he had a reason to come here. He got on the little porch up the stairs, wiped his shoes clean the best he could and lifted his hand to knock the wooden surface. He heard a little surprised thud and then there were steps that were coming closer.

Porlyusica opened the door looking as annoyed as ever but this time he did seem also surprised when she looked at the completely soaked Freed who was carrying a backpack with him.

"Good evening, Porlyusica", Freed nodded politely, his voice lower than usual but not yet hoarse. "I cleaned my shoes", he assured.

"I see", Porlyusica huffed looking at the black boots. "Too bad the rest of you looks like it needs some cleaning too."

"I brought everything you asked", Freed said, not paying attention to her comment about his appearance. "I have everything in my backpack, all sorted out."

"I didn't ask you to do that", Porlyusica said with a frown. "Anyway, I guess I can't just leave you there", she tisked opening the door properly.

"Thank you", Freed said and he stepped inside the cottage. The warmth felt so good, his fingers and toes were almost numb because of the cold rain.

"Don't drip water all around, take off that coat and just sit quietly there", the old healer commanded pointing towards the fireplace where there was a chair in front of it.

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