The bartender nodded, happy with Sam's success in drinking the drink, he disappeared into the back.

A man appeared behind Zemo, "You ain't welcome here", he spoke.

Zemo slowly turned to him, unafraid. "I am simply here on business", the guy glanced to you and Sam. "If anyone has an issue with that, they can come deal with him" Zemo said, gesturing towards Bucky. Bucky gave the guy a death stare and the guy walked away.

Another guy, who seemed to have an issue, snaked his way through the crowd till he reached you four.

"Winter Soldier" Zemo said, slightly louder than the music. Causing everyone to turn to him. Zemo walked in front of Bucky who nodded slightly. The guy put his hand on Zemo's shoulder "Attack", Zemo commanded.

And with that, Bucky grabbed the guys hand, a screeched left his throat. Bucky looked back at you, as he walked with the guy into the middle of the bar, and you could sense he was worried for what he was about to do, you was too but you had to look like you wasn't affected by this.

Bucky began attacking the guy, he had no chance at beating the Winter Soldier. Bucky began to fight those who were trying to get in on the action. You didn't like to see this side of Bucky, it didn't seem right But you knew he had to do it. 

Bucky slammed the original guy by the neck onto the bar next to you three, with his metal arm. The guy gasping for air.

"Well done, Soldier" Zemo said, knowing he wouldn't want Bucky to go as far as killing the guy.

Bucky released the guy who dropped to floor.

The bartender returned. "Sebble will see you now"

"Thankyou" Zemo replied.

"You okay Buck?" You asked.

He nodded and began to follow Zemo and Sam who had walked off.

You sighed, and followed them too. 


Sam, Zemo and Bucky walked into Selby's office, since you didn't change who you were, you turned invisible, you were sure you would be able to last longer invisible than if you shape shifted into someone else, given that it drained you more. 

Once you were invisible, you walked into the room and stood behind Sam, "Don't jump, I'm behind you", you whispered. Sam just nodded slightly.

"People don't just come into my bar and make demands" Selby spoke to Zemo.

"Not a demand" Zemo replied. "An offer.", he sat down. "I'm sure you've already figured out what I'm here for" 

Selby looked at Sam and smiled, turning back to Zemo. "What's the offer?" 

"Tell us what you know about the super soldier serum", Zemo stood up again and walked towards Bucky, "And I give you him.", he was circling Bucky now. "Along with the code words to control him, of course", Selby smiled. "He will do anything you want" Zemo added, squeezing Bucky's chin. 

"Is he serious?" You whispered to Sam, you couldn't tell if Zemo was lying or not.

"The super soldier serum is here in Madripoor" Selby replied, pleased with the offer. "Dr Wilfred Nagle is the man you want thank... or condemn. Depending what side of this you're on" 

Suddenly you felt a slight bit of pain cover your body. You had been invisible too long and it was starting to hurt. You winced at the pain, accidentally making a noise, causing everyone to turn in your direction.

"What was that?" Selby said, slightly annoyed. 

Bucky and Sam knowing exactly what it was had a slight look of panic.

You tried to hold onto it as long as you could but you had become too weak and the invisibility had become undone. "Shit", you spoke aloud, everyone now seeing you.

"There was another" Selby shouted to her crew. "Kill them" 

Suddenly the sound of glass smashing distracted you all. You turned to the sound and heard a thud. Selby was on the ground. She had been shot.

Bucky and Sam began fighting off her men and knocking them out.

You three ran to the door. 

"I'm sorry guys. I couldn't hold it any longer" You say panicked.

"It's okay Y/N" Sam replied.

"It's okay. For now let's focus on the real problem" Zemo added. "Selby is dead, and we are likely to get blamed. So leave your weapons and follow my lead" 


You four began walking quickly through the city, chimes of phones echoed around you. 

"This doesn't sound good" You said.

Suddenly the lights around you turn off and guns start shooting. Your four duck and began running, Zemo running of in a different direction than you, Sam and Bucky.

"I can't run in these heels" Sam shouts as you run as fast as you can, avoiding the bullets flying at you.

"Well suck it up buttercup, neither can I" You reply, who was also running in heels.

You three run into an alleyway, surrounded by men. One by one they are shot from someone who seemed to be nowhere. You three look around to see who it was.

"Who was that?" you ask.

Zemo catches up to you three, "A guardian angel it seems" 

"Well this is too perfect" A voice came from behind Zemo. 

You turn to a figure behind him. 

A woman comes into view with a gun pointed towards you four, she pulls down her hood. "Drop it Zemo", she demands as she notices Zemo with a gun. He proceeds to drop the gun on the ground.

"Sharon?" Bucky asks. 

You screw your eyebrows together, confused at who this woman was and how they seemed to know her.

"You cost me everything" She said as she moved closer, gun still pointed.

"Sharon wait" Sam quickly said, she kicked Zemos gun to the side. "Someone recreated the super soldier serum and Zemo had a lead" 

"Well that explains why you guys are here", she replies. 

"So what are you doing here?" Bucky asks.

"I stole Steve's shield remember" She replied. "I also took the wings for your ass", she points the gun at Sam. "So you could save his ass", she points the gun at Bucky, "From his ass", The gun now pointing at Zemo.

"I am clearly missing a bunch of this story", you say as you pinch the bridge of your nose.

"Unlike you, I didn't have the Avengers to back me up" She continued, "So I'm off the grid in Madripoor"

"Sharon, we need your help" Bucky begs slightly, causing her to laugh. "Please" 

"I have a place in hightown, you guys should be safe there for a while", she said and began walking away from alleyway. You four began to follow her.

"I think you have a lot of explaining to do Mr Barnes." You said, slightly annoyed.

"I'll explain once we get there" He replied.

"Mhm" You hummed.

Y/N The Goddess Of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now