CHAPTER 26: Lies (Part 2)

Depuis le début

"Where are you going?" She asked because I never go anywhere.

I looked around hoping no one else sees me and I said to her. "Liya, you gotta help me. Please. You know I never go anywhere but today...I have to go. Please!"

She smiled softly. "If that's what you want then okay, I'll help you."

That's why I loved her so much. She always supported me. I smiled widely and she said. "You will need a mask. And...I guess your mother had an extra which she left in my care...let me get it..."

She then disappeared in one of the corridors and returned a moment later with a black mask with silver lining and helped me wear it.

"Come." She said taking my hand in hers and walking us to the back door of the mansion where her car used to be parked.

"Get in the backseat and stay down. Make sure no one sees you." She instructed and I nodded eagerly and did as she told me and she got in the driver's seat and revved the engine.

And drove towards the main gate of the mansion where the guard stopped her to ask where she was going and she said she needed to buy some personal things and fortunately, she was allowed to go.

I sighed and getting up, sat in the backseat and she drove towards the banquet hall.

"How are you going to get in?" She questioned as she stopped the car at a distance from the hall. "You will need an invitation."

I didn't let it dampen my mood and assured her. "I'll find a way in somehow."

She wasn't convinced but said anyway. "Okay. I'll wait for you here. Don't be late. Just an hour."

"Thank you, Liya. You are the best." And I got down from the car and walked towards the entrance.

But I stopped a few meter before it, and looked around in confusion for a way in somehow.

God. Please help me. Please.

And I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me with a hint of Russian accent. "Are you alone, miss?"

I turned around and found a boy, around Easton's age, wearing a black tuxedo and a black mask.

His velvety brown eyes bore into mine and I nodded. "Yes. I am alone."

"And you have an invitation?"

I shook my head. "I don't."

He smiled softly. "You wanna get in? With me?"

My eyes lit up in hope. "It's possible?"

"Yes. It is." He replied. "Come on."

He gestured me to follow him and even though I just met him, my heart trusted him so I followed him towards the entrance where the guard stopped us. "Invitation?"

That boy took my hand in his. "She's with me."

"So, where's both of yours invitations?"

The boy stepped forward and whispered something to the guard and the guard's eyes widened and he bowed a little. "Sir. Please go in."

The boy looked at me and smirked lightly. "Come..." And he tugged me along with him inside a small hall which was empty and at the end of it was a huge door and he took me to it and held the door open for me.

I found myself inside a huge hall, brightly lit and a huge chandelier was in the hanging in the middle of it and hundreds of people were present. Some were dancing, some were talking.

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