Her eyes were still looking down. I saw the tears flowing down her cheeks. My own eyes are getting moist.
Jungkook: "Y/n.. what ha-happened?"

She didn't say anything and kept looking down. and it made him even more worried about her.
Jungkook: "Y/N, look at me. What happened?" Sure, he hated the girl, but seeing her in such a state made something in him shake.

Her eyes slowly lifted, and what shook his soul was the emptiness in them. There was nothing in them. no emotions. as if she was numb.
Y/n: "Nothing."
Jungkook: "This doesn't look like nothing."

Y/n: "I am a whore. What do you expect? They are just hickies. I'm sure you're aware." Her voice held heaviness, as if she hadn't spoken in a while. Her words made him feel embarrassed.

Jungkook: "These are not hickies, Y/N; they're called bruises. Who did it?" He pulled the side of her shirt down, revealing her shoulder.

She pulled her shirt up and walked away from there.


Jungkook and Taehyung kept looking at Y/N in the car mirror. She had her head placed on the mirror in the back. Looking outside, but anyone could tell she wasn't looking at anything.

When she had come to the car, Taehyung was waiting there for her and Jungkook. He saw those marks on her neck and some peeking from the shirt. He asked her, but she ignored him.

They pulled the car into the driveway. Y/N didn't say anything and went inside after picking up her bag with her head down. She was about to climb the stairs.

??: "Where were you, Y/n?" A male voice spoke from behind her. She turned a little bit to see her dad standing in the living room. With everyone standing behind him. Looking at her.

Dad: "Your school ended an hour ago; where were you? Jungkook and Taehyung had to wait for you." She could tell he was angry. It felt like he was restraining himself from lashing out.

Y/n: "Sorry.."
Dad: "Come down here." She turned and walked towards him, but her head was down all the time. Covering the bruises.

Dad: "I have been too lenient with you Y/N for months, thinking that you just lost your mother, skipping classes on a daily basis, not giving in your assignments on time, and getting bad grades in your tests. Not going to school. But you have crossed the limits, Y/N! What is this? What the heck is this?" He showed the phone screen, and when she caught a glimpse of the picture her father was showing, I recognized the phone right away. It belongs to Yoongi.

There were pictures. Of me with several boys. In some pictures, I was talking with one, and in the next picture, I was in the arms of another boy. Many other pictures of me being intimate with a boy were presented in front of me.

Dad: "What are you doing with your life, Y/N?" You were such a nice girl when I left. What happened? What is wrong with you?"

I felt pain, seeing that he believed in those photos without even asking me if it was really me. He has already assumed I am some cheap girl who would play around for the sake of some fun.

Would it even matter if I said that it wasn't me? He will probably call me a liar. What's the point of fighting when my own father believed it was his daughter who had done this? How would I convince someone else if my own father didn't believe or trust me?

Nancy: "Honey, maybe she has her reasons; at least listen to her." Nancy stepped beside her husband, putting a hand on her shoulder. Trying to put off her husband's temper a little bit.

Dad: "What reason would she even have?" I can see with my own eyes what kind of a slut my daughter has become. Her mother couldn't even take care of one responsibility!"

Y/n: "It's not me in the pictures." she spoke, trying to fight so as not to let her mother's upbringing be questioned. But she had already guessed what happened next.

Dad: "Do I look blind to you, Y/N?" If it's not you in these disgusting pictures, who is it?!"
Y/n: "I don't know who is in those pictures, but it's not me." Her voice quivered, and the tears were already flowing. She wanted to shout out loud, "Just trust her once. To not drown her in this abyss of sadness by tormenting her in this way.

Dad: "I can't believe that you are lying as well, Y/N! What is wrong with you? What happened to the girl I knew? Is this how you spent these two years? Whoring around with so many boys?!"

Her dad's words pierced her heart. No longer able to hear him assassinate her in such a way.

Y/N turned around to walk back upstairs. It was no use trying to tell them it wasn't her in the picture. They aren't going to believe me anyway. But as I turned, Dad grabbed my hand.

Dad: "What is this Y/N?"" He asked about the bruises on my wrist. Oh, so now he sees?

I turned toward him. Putting the hairs behind my ears, I saw everyone's eyes widening as they looked at me. But I looked straight into my dad's eyes. He left my hand and stepped back. A look of horror and disgust clouded his face as he looked at the bruises on my face and neck.

Nancy and all the boys stepped towards me, asking me what happened. Even Yoongi had a look of horror on his face.

Y/n: "Oh this?" I said, pointing at my face and neck. "It's a result of whoring around with a boy. He liked it rough." I no longer cared what they thought of me. They could all die for all I care about.

Y/n: "Oh, don't look at me like that; it isn't the worst of all. Right Jungkook? "You have seen it already." A fake smile was plastered on her face all the time.

The next thing I knew, my face was turned to the side, and I was on the floor. The place where Hyun-woo had slapped me before, he had slapped me right there.

Jin: "Dad!"

With tears flowing and an unbearable pain in my chest, I smiled at everyone. Forcing it to be bigger when I met Yoongi's eyes.

Dad: "You're such a disgrace. I regret having an affair with your mother."

Standing up, I dusted the invisible dust on my skirt.
Y/n: "Me too, dad. Me too."

I left from there, walking up the stairs.

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