"You were acting all this time? Pretending to be someone you were not?" He hissed.

Her eyes didn't meet his. "Yes."

"You were the one who...hacked into my laptop and took out all the information related to the arms shipment?"

"Yes." She whispered.

He scoffed. "And who else was involved in this?"

She sighed. "Arthur."

"Arthur." He repeated in a dangerously low voice.

The attack was a distraction. It was planned before that Zoriana would be in his office when the attack would commence. And he would leave her there. And that's when she hacked into his laptop and pulled out all the information.

And how she went unconscious?

Arthur helped her by sneaking into his office and pressing the cloth to her nose to make her unconscious.

It was all planned.

And he remembered the sudden death of his mother. He gritted his teeth. "Tell me...you were the one to kill mom too..."

That made her let out a shaky breath. "Arthur did. I...I...she...was starting to recognise me...my cover was going to be blown...Arthur mixed a chemical in her coffee without my knowledge."

She wanted to break down in front of him and beg for his forgiveness. She was no less than a murderer.

It wouldn't be too difficult for Ruslan to tackle her to the floor and kill her within seconds. But he didn't. He couldn't.

Before she could lose herself to the emotions, she cocked her gun and pressed it to his forehead. "Where's Easton?" She raised her voice.

He scoffed again. A storm brewing up in his eyes. "Go on. Kill me. Because even death won't hurt more than your betrayal."

That made her heart stung. And she lowered the gun, tears welling up in her eyes. Her hands trembling. "Please tell me where's Eaton. And I will leave."

She couldn't stop herself from blurting out everything. How Easton was kidnapped and she was trained to bring him back and as well as...bring down the Searlus Mafia.

"...cause we are the good guys. Dad told me."

Ruslan couldn't believe what he heard. "Are you still acting or are you completely naive?"


"Good guys, huh? You are the good guys? What does your father do for a living, Zoriana?" She hated how he spat her name.

"H-he owns a company. The Jennings Industries."

"And besides that...what is his source of income?"

"What do you mean? That's his only source of income! Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying!" He lost his temper making her flinch back.

Her lips quivered and she looked at him through the tears. "What do you mean?" Her voice was low and weak.

"Who's the leader of the Meryd Mafia?" He questioned.

"No one knows him." She answered. "No one knows who is the leader of the Meryd Mafia." She lowered her head.

He smirked. "No one, except a few. Except me." That made her head snap to him.

"Michael Jennings is the leader of the Meryd Mafia. Your father is a murderer himself and you think you are the good guys?!"

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