Chapter 4

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Ennoshita POV

~Timeskip To 1 Week Later~

it been 1 week since i injured my foot, every passing day makes my foot more painful. ive been straining myself too much

i walked to school trying my best to bear the pain in my foot but the pain is starting to become unbearable, its been 3 times more painful as before

i held my tears back from the pain, but every step i took hurts...

i want to go to the doctor but i'll be a burden for people taking care of me and the hospital bills are expensive i also dont want to be a burden to my parents. its not like anyone will even notice that im in pain and its not like they will care about me

tears streamed down my face as negative thoughts flooded my mind.

When i reached school, i headed to the gym for the tiring and painful practice session

i wiped my tears and opened the door and changed my clothes and head for practice

today i heard that we will be going to have a 6V6 with each other

i groaned internally on how tiring that would be

i dont hate practice, its just that my current state makes practice painful for me

we sat in a circle in front of the white board and coach ukai explained to us about the practice match and how to teams will be spilt

"so our practice match will be like a normal match and you all should know how a normal match works, if you dont, ill give you a beating" coach ukai gave us an evil smile

"okay back to the topic, the teams will be split the 1st team will consist of: Nishinoya, Sugawara, Ennoshita, tsukishima, kinnoshita and tanaka. the 2nd team will will consist of: Daichi, kageyama, hinata, asahi, narita and yamaguchi. is that clear?"

"yes!" the team chorused

we headed for normal practice and he had to choose a pair. of course, daichi and sugawara, asahi and nishinoya, yamaguchi and tsukishima, hinata and kageyama, narita and kinnoshita will team up together since they are dating.

which left with tanaka and me-

my face turned red at the thought that i had to team up with my crush! MY CRUSH!

"hey ennoshita i guess i'll partner you" tanaka smiled, as if he wanted to pair up with me

"O-ok" i replied


we did our usual serve and recieve practice. but today, tanaka is learning to do a jump serve, which means i need my fast reflexes = more strain in my foot = more pain

i groaned internally and we started practicing. every time i recieved, i kept holding my tears back.

~End Of Morning Practice~

[Finally! my suffering session is over!] i sighed in relief

i went to class and waited for the teacher as usual

class started as usual

~Lunch Break~

i walked into the nurse office as usual to get ice pack

"oh hi boy! you came again?"

"yes misako-san, and please call me ennoshita!"

i took an ice pack and sat down on the floor removed my shoe to reduce the swelling

my foot has been swelling occasionally so i have been coming to the nurse office and we somehow became friends

"hey ennoshita-kun are you going to visit the doctor soon? looks like your foot has been getting worse..."

"no i dont plan on going"

"why not?"

"because i dont want others worry about me and spending their time taking care of me"

"oh okay...but i suggest you to go visit the doctor, but its your choice"

"no thank you, but thanks for caring for me" i smiled at the nurse and i wore my shoe and walked out of the nurse office

i went back to my class and ate my lunch alone...

i have been eating alone in class for the past 4 days and no one in my team questioned me about my absent for eating on the rooftop with them.

the same questions always comes into my head [do they even notice that i was gone? do they even care about me?]

~After Lunch~

i stayed in my seat and waited for the teacher to start the lesson

~Afternoon Practice~

i was the last to arrive to the gym since ive been walking slowly to avoid the pain in my foot

we started practice and the practice match started

my team stated with tanaka serving a strong jump serve. but sadly, tanaka missed

he groaned in fustration

"Dont mind!" i encouraged

his mood was lifted after i said that

next, was daichi serving. he did the normal overhand serve and it was about to land right in front of me i stretched my foot and managed a clean pass i winced in pain but i managed to get back up

sugawara set the ball to tsukishima and he spiked it, but daichi was able to recieve it and he passed it clean to kageyama. kageyama used the quick attack with hinata but i was not able to recieve in time, but nishinoya dived for the recieve and i covered him. suga then set the ball to tanaka. and he managed to spike for the score.

it was kinnoshita's turn to serve. he threw the ball gently in the air and did his jump floater. it landed in the other side of the court, and it was a no touch service ace!

kinnoshita did the same movement but the ball landed out of bounds.

"Dont mind!" i assured kinnoshita

next, it was kageyama serve. kageyama threw the ball up and he jumped and he hit the ball with a lot of force. the ball was headed to my direction, and it suddenly stopped its motion and it started dropping in front of me. i dived for the ball but i twisted my foot. i yelped in pain and i tried to hold back my tears, but it was to no avail. i sobbed uncontrollably in pain

"p-please t-take ice..." i whispered hoping that someone could hear me

tanaka nodded at me and ran out of the door. everyone except me was dumbfounded by tanaka's sudden action.

i continued sobbing in pain and the team surrounded me and asked if i was alright. i shook my head saying that i was not alright. nishinoya accidentally lightly kicked my left foot and i yelped in pain once more, and more tears streamed down my face.

tanaka ran back into the gym carrying ice packs and handed one to me. i took it and removed my shoe in pain revealing my swollen foot with a bandage covering it i placed the ice pack on my foot.

the team looked at me in shock, not knowing about my injury. tanaka patted my back and shushing me and saying that it will be alright.

"someone call the ambulance!" daichi and suga said in sync.

hinata ran as fast as he could to the locker room to grab his phone and called the ambulance

i kept sobbing [im dead, they found out. will they scold me for straining myself?] i wondered trying to distract myself from the pain.

this chapter does not need editing

Unnoticeable (EnnoTana)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz