Did they know? Had they all seen it? Were they all laughing at him?

His chest tightened like a straightjacket being tied around him and he swallowed heavily.

"Uh that's funny guys. Hey I'm gonna go, I'll be back." The words came out in a jumble. He was on his feet in seconds and hastily making his way out of the lunch room.

On the way out he bumped into someone but he didn't dare look up.

"Sorry." He mumbled. 

Kaminari started walking again when a firm hand caught him by the arm.

He turned to face concerned, viridian eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" Izuku asked, stepping closer to him.

"Nothing." Kaminari lied, feigning a small smile.

"It's not nothing. You're crying."

Kaminari brought his fingertips to his cheeks and felt wetness.


There was a small table in the hallway. Kaminari walked over to it and Izuku followed. He sat down and laid his head on his arms on the table. He could feel Izuku staring at him.

"You weren't at lunch." It wasn't a question.

"I was working on a part of the project." Izuku said each word slowly.

Guilt ate away at Kaminari.

"Without me? Guess I really am useless, huh? Can't even trust me with working on something as simple as a project."

Izuku visibly stiffened in his seat.

"No. That's not it at all!" The sheer power in his voice was enough to make Kaminari look at him. Izuku fished through his bag and pulled out a poster. It was neatly labeled with the title "Nyctophilia". The background was a picture of a brilliant night sky.

"Woah it looks great."

"I'm going to need your help for the rest of it." Izuku said without a shred of dishonesty.


Kaminari straightened up in his seat and grabbed at the poster, getting a better look at it. It really did look amazing so far. Far better than he could ever do.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the lunch bell ring.

"Aw shoot I forgot to eat." Kaminari frowned, eyeing his flat stomach.

Izuku laughed. "Me neither. We can eat together later while we work if you want."

"Yes please."

Kaminari was about to stand up when he heard the familiar voices of the two people he didn't want to see right now.

Mina and Monoma had started walking towards their table and stopped when they spotted that familiar head of blonde hair.

"Aw man I forgot you were partners with Midoriya. It's a good thing at least one of you has a brain here." Monoma joked.

Mina crouched close to Izuku's ear and whispered loudly enough for Kaminari to hear. "Talk slow with this one, a lot goes over his head."

Kaminari did his best to ignore the comments and not take them to heart but the pain was evident on his face.

There was a screech of a chair and Izuku was standing. Kaminari looked up with wide eyes. 

Izuku towered over the pink girl. 

"You know what?" He jabbed at her. "If you want someone to laugh at," Izuku looked at Kaminari. His eyes were ablaze with emotion. "Laugh at me."

Kaminari was sure his heart had stopped beating.

Izuku brushed past the two affronted teenagers and grabbed Kaminari's arm. He barely had time to grab the poster before he was being dragged behind a determined Izuku.

They didn't stop until they reached the commons area where the kitchen was located.

Izuku still hadn't spoken. 

The air around him was tense as he searched the fridge for two bottles of water, placing them on the counter so he could grab a sandwich and a bag of chips. He gathered all the items in one arm and wordlessly walked in the direction of the dorm rooms.

Kaminari followed.

When they reached Izuku's room, the air was less tense and Izuku's usual expression had finally returned. He closed the door quietly and turned around to face Kaminari. He had a nervous smile on his face. 

"I'm sorry-"

"I didn't know you were such a badass!" Kaminari praised, staring at him in awe.

Kaminari set the poster down on the bed and grabbed at one of Izuku's stuffed animals, holding it close to his chest. It smelled like peppermint. He wondered if that's what Izuku smelled like.

Izuku rubbed at his neck and let out a small laugh. He sat down on the floor.

"Yeah, well I can't stand bullying. Especially not when it's aimed at my friend." 

Kaminari had slid down off the bed and landed beside Izuku.

"Aw. You admit it. We're friends."

"Of course."

Kaminari grabbed the poster and placed it in front of them.

"Alright." He cracked his fingers. "Let's do this."

Izuku nodded in agreement and grabbed the sandwich and chips, placing them into Kaminari's open hand.

"Thank you, good sir. Wait- Aren't you gonna eat too?"

"I'm not hungry anymore." Izuku said with a slight scowl.

Kaminari laughed and gestured to his sandwich.

"We can share."

Izuku beamed brightly and leaned against his bed. 

"Alright, the floor is yours. Tell me everything you know about the stars."

Kaminari gasped, took a bite out of his sandwich and wiped his mouth.

"Okay! So!"

As he began talking, Izuku stared at the movement of his lips and the cheerfulness of his voice.

Izuku didn't ever want to see another sad look on his face ever again. 

Nyctophilia (KamiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now