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Okay, this is my new story. I am probably going to be deleting those ones that haven't been getting any TLC. Okay, so comment, vote, fan, etc. :D


Slowly I am losing sight of you. Your picture becomes more and more vague with each day, until it will become transparent. I will forget you eventually, and move on. Time can't heal my heart, but it can cover the scars up with a mask. A mask made by one person. But who? Once again, only time can tell. Only time can tell when I'll lose sight of you, too.

You are like the only storm cloud rumbiling above my head. You created the thunder, and I created the lightning. Just like any glorious storm, we were two elements that had to be put together. Rain and clouds, sun and rainbows, and of course, thunder and lightning.

Together we stood; but together doesn't last forever.

There are also storms that don't usually last long at all. Like tornadoes.

 You were my tornado. You came and went in an instant, taking my barely beating heart with you.

Even though, I will continue to wake up. Even though I will be crying on the inside, I will still remember to breathe. Not for you, though. For me.

I'm not the same person anymore.  Instead I'm the me you have made. Bruised, scratched, beaten, and tossed in the trash like garbage.


What did you think of it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you're really going to like this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I started ANOTHER new story, but I couldn't help myself. Anywho, tell me what you think!!! Comment, vote, fan, etc. :)

Life lesson:

"Life's too short to be dwelling on the big things. Instead, hate the little things that trip you up. They're the mistakes that must be watched."-megamarie121

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