Chapter 1

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The gang had just gotten off of high school for the summer. Velma was having a talk with Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Sonic, and Manic after school ended for the year.

"I know you guys are excited that the school year's over finally, but, our seasonal employment awaits." says Velma

"Already??" Shaggy comments. "Like, I didn't even have time to get a tan."

"Reah." agreed Scooby

Manic snickered before they headed for the Mystery Machine.

"I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that Daphne, Manic, Sonia, and I's uncle is opening his new country club THIS SUMMER, huh, V?" Sonic asks

Velma nods and says, "Indeed. Without these summer jobs, we'd never be able to pay back Old Man Frickert for the damage we did to his barn last week."

Scooby popped up, holding a camera.

"RSay cheese!" Scooby says

Shaggy, Daphne, Sonic, and Manic posed for a photo and Scooby snapped a quick photo, snickering.

"What is he-?" Velma starts

"Oh, Scoob's got a new hobby." Shaggy responded. "Scrapbooking."

"But.....what happened to his gardening hobby he got from a suggestion from Sonia?" Velma asks

"Oh, well, it didn't work out as well as we hoped." responds Manic. "Everything he would plant he'd dig right up the next day."

When getting over to the Mystery Machine, Velma took a look at her watch.

"Odd......Daphne said we should hit the road right after school, but I don't see Sonia or Freddy anywhere." Velma comments, confused by the fact Fred and Sonia were nowhere to be seen. "Have you guys seen any sign of the two?"

They all shook their heads, shrugging.

"I haven't seen them since our math class we had at the end of the day." Daphne responded

When they opened the side door of the Mystery Machine, Fred was in the back with Sonia, the sudden door opening sort of making the two jump.

"Are we interrupting something?" Daphne asks

Scooby took a quick picture, wanting to not give up this scrapbooking hobby. While on the road, Scooby plopped his head onto Sonic's shoulders.

"Well??? I for one think we deserve an explanation." says Shaggy.

"Reah." Scooby agreed

"Yes." Velma states. "There's always been an undeniable chemistry between you two, but-when did what we come in on earlier finally occur? As in when did you start showing those kinds of feelings to each other?"

Fred and Sonia were silent for a bit.

"Guess it started with that night at Old Man Frickert's." Fred comments

"Yeah." Sonia comments. "Remember, Velma? We followed the trail of the Vengeful Scarecrow up into the hayloft."


Sonia and Velma were up in the hayloft of  Old Man Frickert's barn, investigating a trail  that was left by the foe they refer to as the Vengeful Scarecrow.

"Ugh, we'll never find ANYTHING up here." Sonia groaned

"Yes." Velma responds. "And if I wasn't so pun averse, I might even say it's gonna be like looking for a needle in a haystack."

The Sonic Underground and The Curse of The Lake MonsterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora