Central City Coat Line

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I walked to the end of the pier then sat down and hung my legs off the edge. After an hour or two of silence I heard screaming, so I got up and ran towards the noise. A woman was on the beach screaming and pointing so I flew down to her.

"Miss. Miss. Calm down and tell me what the is going on."

She looked at me then started pointing out to sea. That's when I noticed a boat sinking, "call 911. I'll be right back," she ran to her phone before I flew off.





The two people I saved were being treated by the paramedics while I was laying on the beach. I was about to leave when the flash  showed up, "arrow?" He helped me to my feet, "I didn't know you were home." I smiled, "I'm not arrow Queen. Barry, I need your help." he took a few steps back, "why should I. You're not arrow." I said, "help me find your best friend, help me find my sister," I took a deep breath, "Everything I felt, everything I feel about you when you're around... I don't know if these are my feelings, or hers. Barry, please help me." he walked up to me, "what do I call you?" I smiled then put my hand on his face, "my name is Karen." he smiled then said, "its nice to meet you Karen. Perhaps," before he could finish I took us to the bat cave.

"I hate it when you do that." I laughed then he said, "so Karen, how long have you been here?" I went and sat down, "since you found me in that museum. So, I would say, 4 months, maybe longer. I'm not to sure."

Barry took off his mask then said, "And your memories?" I looked down, "i mainly got dates and times. Amanda, my mother, she thought giving me a fresh and new start would be better than releasing me with all of Arrows memories.

The blast you rescued me from, it brought all my hidden memories and assignments to the surface. I left earth for answers, I found a place amongst the stars, I was a princess..." I got up and walked back to Barry, "and you want to know why I came back!?" He said, "why!?" I smiled, "for you. All my memories are of you, all my feeling are for you, and I came back here for you. Barry, I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I'm not the girl you fell in love with."

"you're right, that little girl with pig tails... the one I met in college... She's missing. I may have loved her, but not anymore." I took a step back but he stopped me and took my hand, "but the woman I love is in front of me." I smiled at him. He was about to lean in and kiss me till he heard Bruce say, "welcome to the Bat Cave Barry Allen." my sister walked up behind Bruce and said, "is this the boy?" Barry started to freak out.

"Hello Barry," my sister walked up to me, "my name is Chloe Starr. I am Princess of Arkinia and I, after our mission to save Arrow, am to take you and my sisters home. Our parents want to meet the man that has stolen my sisters heart." I got really red when Barry turned to me. Chloe continued, "the king and queen are thinking about my sisters future and they apparently believe its with you. Are they wrong?"

"I love her and ill love her for the rest of my life."

I took his hand and squeezed it tight, I want you to love me for the rest of mine." he leaned over and kissed me, "to the end of time ill stand by your side and Ill love you from the day you die and on." I kissed him again then smiled. 

Bruce interrupted us, "now that its all settled we need to get down to business. We have to save Arrow." Chloe nodded her head, "you two take ten and we'll call the others in."

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