"It might be dark in here but I can see you have that look in your eyes again"

"What look?" I said still playful. It had always amazed me how well my brother knew me. How close we were compared to the rest of our family.

"Artimira, be serious." he was serious and worried.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees.

"Artimeus, I am. What happened to me in that chamber is going to effect all of us and not in a good way. Please just give me some time to work this out for myself first before I let you guys in on it too." I pleaded.

"Okay, will do, but please don't take too long. You shutting me out like this is really starting to worry me. It's not like you to keep secrets form me."

I was done taking about it and wanted a change of subject. "I bet dad is pretty furious at me."

"Nah, not really, more like worried and confused. You've never lashed out at anyone like that before, let alone him."

"Still, actions have consequences."

"Actually, I think dad is pretty much done with the yelling and punishing for a lifetime."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, when Arami couldn't tell him what's wrong with you he just lost it. It cost her the next five big hunting trips but she managed not to have to tell him where we were all day or why we missed curfew."

"That sucks but it's good she kept her mouth shut. And you, how bad did you get it?"

"Grounded for three months but with the extend of my social life it'll go by fast." Artimeus said sarcastically sins he didn't have much of a social life. His life was books and ancient ciphers. Hunting had always been his second love.

We sat quietly for a about five minutes when I remembered something...

"Arty, do you really hate your room that much?" I asked looking up at him again. His eyes burned with confusion. He had never once complained aloud about anything not even to me.


"Never mind that. You can have my room tomorrow if you want." he wanted an explanation but I was exhausted and needed to be lone. As he was about to ask I laid back down and turned my back on him. He knew that meant the end of the conversation. He just got up and went over to the door and turned the knob. He was about to leaved when I whispered: "Please tell dad I'm sorry."

"Will do, Sissy. Sweat dreams." he whispered back at me and left the room shutting the door behind him again. I listen to my brother's footsteps as he headed down stairs.

Not long after that I dosed off. The day's events seemed to flash through my dreams in fast forward until I was back in the chamber of forbidden secrets and reaching out for the amulet.

As I took hold of it there was the blinding flash again and I found myself standing in what could only be described as empty white space. I turned around and around looking for some hint of other colors or something but all I could see was white. Even I was dressed in white.

I felt something in my right hand and looked down. I was holding the golden amulet with the ruby facing upwards and the chain hanging down and weaved through my fingers. I stared at the golden object about the size of a seven year old hand.

Out of curiosity I flipped it over to see if there was maybe something on the other side that might explain this bizarre change of events and sure enough there was an inscription.