The Chase

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As groups of millions ran away in fear the creature drove them to a place that was unknown to some.

But one thing was for sure they were in fear of the beast that was chasing them, The Red Bull.

The Red Bull was chasing them, not for his own game but for a certain king that desired them.

King Haggard was watching as the unicorns was drove into the sea, he was filled with joy as he saw the unicorns being drove into the see, because it symbolizes for him that they were now his unicorns.

"DO NOT STOP UNTIL EVERY LAST UNICORN IS DROVE INTO THE SEA!!!!" Yelled Haggard as pointed to the woods, the Red Bull only stared before roaring and ran into the woods.


Two unicorns were looking after their little bundle of joy, not caring about anyone else.

"Are you sure about this? The Red Bull-!" Said the mother but the father only looked at her in seriousness.

"The Red Bull will never stop until every last unicorn is in that place, we must do this before the bull comes here." Said the father as he sensed the Red Bull getting closer.

"Fine but please when we are freed, will we ever find her again?" Asked the mother, the father only looked at the confused little unicorn.


"ROOAAARRRR!!!" Yelled the Red Bull, he was close by and the two parental figures shook in fear.

"We must do this now!" Said the father and the mother reluctantly agreed.

They began casting a portal and by the time the Bull was getting even closer the two parental figures forced their own daughter to the portal.

But then......

"ROOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!" Yelled the Red Bull as he stepped closer to the two unicorns that looked in fear.

They quickly pushed the little unicorn into the portal and the Red Bull looked in anger and roared again, showing the sharp teeth that was in the Bull's mouth.

The ran away but the Bull was too quick and drove them like he did to the others.

But little did he know about the last unicorn out there far away from the territory of king haggard but also the young unicorn being pushed into a portal.


Meanwhile a couple was pleading for a child to the archons.

They were in desperation for a child but nothing worked.

"I think we should give up Jade." Said the young man but the young girl was starting to cry tears.

"Henry! We tried for so long we can't give up! We just can't!" Yelled Jade as she broke down, the man tried to comfort her but she was too saddened by herself.

She thought that it was her fault, she wasn't even sure if she knew what she was even doing.

"WAHHHH!" Cried a voice that caught the attention of the two.

"Was that what I think I heard?" Asked Jade as the two were in shock.

They crept closer to the small cries, they felt a burst of joy when they saw a little baby all alone with nothing but a blanket of purple cloth.

"Maybe the gods answered our prayers at last." Said Henry as Jade cried in joy as she quickly held the little girl.

"After all these years and months, we finally have a girl of our own!" Said Jade as she held the small girl closely to her.

"What should we name her?" Asked Henry and Jade smiled as she looked at the baby that stopped crying.

"Y/n, Y/n Yume." Said Jade and the two new parents looked at their new child with tears of joy while the little girl looked at them in wonder and smiled.


Things were looking up for the Yumes, they felt joy around their daughter.

"Say mama! Y/n, say mama!" Said Jade as she smiled at Y/n who was babbling.

"Ma- ba- Maba!" Babbled Y/n and the two parents looked in shock.

"She said maba? Does that mean both of us?" Asked Henry as Y/n babbled maba over and over again.

"I think that's a yes." Said Jade as she clapped her hands.


As months rolled by they were happy about their daughter and people complemented them about raising a beautiful daughter.

They were confused as to why they say that but they don't care about it and kept raising their new daughter.

As the years rolled by their daughter grew into a beautiful young woman, she was talented and kind.

People in the village started to praise her for being beautiful and talented, they started to deem her as the town's beauty.

Y/n however was humble and didn't want to be only known as the town's beauty, she wanted to see the world.

But one day she was coming home from the library when she saw two golden comets passing by.

Then she felt a wave of pain, and she hurried to the woods that were always spring unnaturally.

Then she saw that she wasn't in her body, she hurried to look at the lake and that's when she saw that she was a white mare with a horn.

"What in the world is going on?" Said Y/n as she looked in shock of herself being in this form.

But she had to say she looked graceful as this form.

But then she turned back into her regular form, but her forehead was graced with a pinkish star.

"What happened? Was I a-a horse with a horn? A unicorn......" Thought Y/n as she suddenly remembered that name.

Y/n would never be the same after that, over a short time she controlled herself into turning into a unicorn and she now wanted to travel for a new reason.

To see if the world had an answer for her condition.


"You're leaving?" Asked Jade as she looked at her daughter packing some of her clothes and books.

"Yes mother, it's now my time to spread my wings." Said Y/n as she smiled at her mother.

Her mother had tears starting to drop, but she smiled softly.

"Make sure to write to me and your father alright?" Asked Jade and y/n nodded.


"Goodbye everyone!" Said Y/n as she waved and everyone looked at her in confidence and sadness.

"Bye Y/n! Come back soon!" Yelled the town and y/n smiled and nodded, and off she went to try and discover answers.

But little did she knew, it was the biggest mistake she ever made...

The First Unicorn (Yandere Gen impact Male characters x the last unicorn reader)Where stories live. Discover now