CHAPTER 8: Finding Something

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Amitys Perspective

Boscha didn't show up today, she told me that her parents wanted her to do something 'important'. I was still in my bed even though its morning, thinking about that stupid wolf girl who humiliated me yesterday

Aughh!! Just thinking about her makes me irritated

I growled, clenching my fist as I hit the wall beside me, creating a huge crack. I heard a loud thud that came from the room next to me as footsteps came after.

I heard a creak came from my door, catching my attention as I look over "Mittens! Are you alright? Man! that earthquake seems strong" Edric frantically looked over to my side, looking a little startled "You should be careful mittens, there might be an aftershock"

Edric left, leaving me in confusion of what he just said. Emira then came into my view, looking towards where Edric went as she makes a grin. She peeked her head at my door and looked at me "Hey mittens, are you alright?"

I raised a brow "Why are you asking me that question?"

"Mittens, I'm not stupid like Ed" She grinned, making her way towards me and sat down beside my bed "There's no earthquake that could create a crack like that, it's obvious that you punched the wall" She pointed her finger at the cracked wall I punched earlier.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little irritated" I answered with my brows furrowed. I leaned my back against the wall beside me, slightly turning my head at my right.

"I saw you and Boscha went to the woods last night, does that has something to do with your irritation?" She asked, making me give an annoyed sigh as I look away "Okay, I won't force you to tell me anything but if you have something troubling you, you can tell me alright?"

I nodded in response, earning me a smile from her which I found a little reassuring. She made her way out of my room, closing the door shut, leaving me alone again.

I laid at my bed, looking at the ceiling above me. I made an exasperate sigh as I rose from my bed, looking over to the wooden shelf beside me as I saw my book. I stretched my hand, reaching the book from my position. I felt the rough texture of the cover, feeling it getting a little heavy as I grabbed it. I opened the book from the middle, where a green bookmark can be seen pinned between the pages.

I continued to read it as silence engulf my surroundings, making it more peaceful for me. I was immersed with the silence, making me feel like Im in my own world where no one would bother me. As I read my book, I started to feel sleepy with my arms getting all weak as my eyes slowly closing shut. My book fell on my body as my arms hit my bed, feeling myself drifting into sleep.

[Tell me Amity, what do you like about the moon?]

My body shot up, gasping for air as I opened my eyes, tears flowing down my face. My hands were shaking as my eyes were widened, feeling my whole body tense up. I looked over to the window beside me, only for me to find out that it was already night.

I placed my hand at my head covering half of my face while I scrunch my other hand to my chest "Who are you??" I irritably asked myself

I tried to steady my breathing as I inhale and exhaled repeatedly. My body started to relax along with my chest. I quickly snapped my head outside then back in front of me, with my eyes furrowed as I make my way out of my room then to the woods.

I walked through the woods to clear my mind for a bit, leading me to a wide space which I can see the moon shining brightly above me.

"It's pretty nice seeing you once in a while" My lips curled up, making me a little relaxed. As I looked up to the moon, I felt a strong breeze of wind passed, making me look over to my left then to my right. I looked back to the moon above me, giving a curious look "Are you trying to take me somewhere?"

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