He nodded.

"Then you can tell me what ever it is."

He looked at her unsurely but then nodded.

"It was just bothering me a bit that....that you know..." He gulped, "..you came late."


"Okayy." She replied trying to understand. "But I've been later before Edmond....and I told you that I was going to be late."

"Yeah. Yeah you did." He agreed. "You're right. I'm being dumb." He shook his head.

She smiled gently. "Edmond, just help me understand. And let me be the judge of whether or not you're being dumb." She chuckled.

He smiled. "Okay...So..um...I guess...I'd just like it if you told me...if you're meeting someone else during our time."

She frowned again.

"I mean....look...I know that we're just friends so obviously you're allowed to meet whoever you want, whenever you want....I can't...you know..control that.."

She bit down hard on the smile that was threatening to spread on her lips. Was he being possessive?

"But.." he continued. "...it would be nice if...if you just told me where you're going. I get that you've got friends other than me too...."

She covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. But at the same time she didn't want to rub anything in Edmond's face. It's not what their friendship meant. Besides, he'll admit whatever he wanted to admit whenever he was ready for it.

She calmly held on to his hand and pressed it reassuringly.

"Edmond," she started softly. "You remember that couple with the restaurant?"

He nodded.

"That's where I was. I had to get their documentation in order before the next week starts."

It was the truth. She wouldn't even dream of meeting someone else in the time she had reserved for Edmond even if they were just friends. But it was cute how he felt.

A wave of relief seemed to wash over his features as soon as he heard that. "Oh."

"Yeah" she whispered back. "I'm sorry I didn't mention that. I should have mentioned the whole thing instead of just saying that I'll be late."

"No. No. You needn't have. It's not your fault. I'm so sorry, I raised my voice at you. I feel so dumb."

"It's okay." She smiled.

"Just to be clear...you can meet whoever you want even in our time. I'm not... I'd never dream of trying to control you..."

"I know" she smiled.

"Just...you know...tell me?....if that's okay with you? I mean I know that...even that is none of my business but I would..."

"Of course." She replied earnestly, cutting him off. 

He had absolutely no idea how high she was flying right now.

I know I'm kinda pushing it" she said sincerely trying to control her happiness. "But as a friend can I please just kiss you on your cheek? You're so adorable!" She chuckled unable to keep her excitement in.

He averted his gaze to the ground instantly at that giving her a clear view of the red creeping onto his cheek.

"Sure." He mumbled awkwardly. "I guess."

She wrapped both her arms tightly around his neck and plastered him with a cuddly kiss on his cheek. His cheek felt so soft against her lips but she could tell that his jawbone just like the rest of his body was tense.

She moved her face away from his but kept her arms in place so she could see him up close.

"Thank you" He said still looking at his feet.

She smiled at that. There were no limits to how cute this man was capable of being.

"Oh and Jane?" He looked up to hesitantly meet her eyes, "I had a brilliant time at the ball last week." He smiled. "Sorry if that didn't come across properly earlier."

She smiled. She moved her hands away from his neck because she knew that if she didn't, she might just kiss him again but her lips might not land on his cheek this time.

"You wanna go eat something?" He asked. "If you came here directly from work, you must be hungry."

She nodded. "I'm starving actually."

"Come on then." He got up from the bench and she followed.

"You remember how you told me in the car that day..that you learnt to trust me more than you did anyone ever before?" He turned to ask her as they neared the gate.

She nodded.

He paused before replying. "That was today for me."

She bit down on her lip as uncontrollable happiness flowed through her. "I'm glad" she replied softly as they left the gate.



I personally find this chapter awfully cute.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments though!

Do you think Edmond will develop feelings for Jane soon enough or are we gonna be spending a lot more time trying to drive some sense into him? Lol.

Don't forget to vote if you guys liked it! Thanks!😁❤️

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