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TW: self harm, blood, suicidal thoughts

Bakugo sat in his room, feeling completely numb. He couldn't help it, he didn't even know why he felt this way. All he knew was that he hated it. There was blood slipping from his wrists and onto the carpet, but he didn't really care too much to clean it. He just didn't want to be alive anymore.


TW: Abuse

Todoroki snuck into the dorms at 3 in the morning, covered in bruises and burns, barely able to move but managing to get there. He'd been forced to go home for training just like every day, but today he'd passed out and stayed unconscious for a long while.


TW: R***

Aizawa has been being s*xually assaulted after work by Endeavor. One day he loses his ability to lie to his husband, Hizashi about it, falling apart into him the moment he got home.

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