Chapter Nine - Venue

Start from the beginning

Shit. Why the fuck did I start yelling at them? I probably scared them half to death, fuck. When I finally pulled myself out of my thoughts, they were in shambles. They were barely breathing, trembling all over, mumbling incoherently with a few "I'm sorry's" mixed in. Shit, they're gonna pass out at this rate. I need to get them back to me in many more ways than one.

Y/N's P.O.V.

    Fuck, I can't breathe. He's mad at me, he's so mad at me, he's gonna yell at me again, he's gonna hit me, he's gonna-

    "Y/N. I need you to follow my voice, alright? Come back to me," he was calm now.

    Why is he calm? Is he trying to make me feel safe so he can do more to me? He has to be. He's mad at me. He's gotta be. I didn't even let him explain himself. I should have let him explain himself. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-

    "Hey. It's alright. I swear I'm not mad. I'm not. It's alright. Follow my voice, okay?"

    I must have been thinking out loud. Shit. I should maybe listen to him; then he won't hurt me as bad later. I tried my best to nod.

    "Thank you. Thank you. Good. Stay with me. Can you try and lift your head up? Maybe open your eyes if possible?" He asked.

    I complied, doing my best to get my eyes open and keep them open. I didn't wanna look at him; I didn't wanna look at him in fear of seeing something, or someone, I didn't wanna see.

    "Perfect. You're doing amazing. Can you try to tell me five things you can see?" He continued.

    "Mirror, floor... chair... light, window," I managed to stutter out in response a few moments later; I caught him smile a bit out of the corner of my eye.

    "You're doing so well. So, so well. You've got this. How about four things you can hear?"

    "You, stuff outside, wind, myself,"

    "Perfect. Stay with me. Three things you can feel?"

    "Couch, clothes, my phone,"

    "Excellent, love. Two things you can smell?"

    "Uhh, uhm, I don't- I can't-" I felt my breathing start to speed up again as I disconnected from reality once more.

    "Hey, hey. It's alright, I'm here. Stay with me. You've got this. Breathe, take your time," He waited patiently until I nodded, ready to continue.

    "Two things you can smell. You don't need to think of them quickly and it's okay if it's difficult. Take it slow,"

    "Um, uh, alcohol, and I think... weed," I responded after some time; he chuckled.

    "Yep. Probably because the window's open. You're still doing great. One more; try to give me one thing you can taste,"

    "... Blood,"

    "That's expected for you, I'm so sorry. You're doing incredibly well. Feeling a little bit better? It's completely okay if not,"

    I simply nodded.

    "That's good. Can I... touch you?" He asked reluctantly.

    "Not too much, please," I replied shakily, half hoping he wouldn't hear me.

    "Thank you. Thank you so much," He carefully took one of my hands in his own, slowly and cautiously bringing it down to the couch to rest his own hand on top of mine.

    He always understands exactly what my limits were instantly. God, I'm an idiot; he would never hurt me. It's Dom.

    "...I'm sorry," I whimpered.

    "Woah, hey, no, please don't apologize. You had and still have every right to be any and all forms of upset. I'm sorry for not finding a different way to reach out sooner. I'm so sorry for abandoning you, I didn't mean to,"

    I started crying again as I lurched myself into his arms. He immediately returned the embrace carefully, stroking my back to try and stem my sobs.

Dom's P.O.V.

    "I was so scared that I had done something wrong and you wanted me to go back. Please don't let me go back again, please, I can't-" I cut them off, shushing them gently.

    "You're not going back there, you're staying with me now, it's alright," I kissed their forehead before gently guiding their head back into the crook of my neck as I began crying again as well.

    We cried into each others' arms for quite a while, staying silent for a few minutes just to comprehend that the other was there, safe, and no longer upset with them.

    "So... so Gavin... blocked me everywhere on your accounts? Why...?" They asked, dejected.

    "He thought you were affecting my performances too much, which you were not and never will do. I'll be making sure all of what he did is undone as soon as possible, I promise. You didn't do anything wrong, Gavin's just being a dick," I reassured them, adjusting our position so we were laying the same way we laid in the hospital before their parents decided to come in and be massive dickheads. I continued speaking,

    "For now, let's just stay here. I think we both could do well with some sleep," I finished, them nodding in agreement.

    "Goodnight, Dom. Thank you,"

    "No, thank you. Goodnight Y/N, I love you."

    "... I love you too." I smiled.

That was the first time in all the time I'd known them that they had said it back.


word count: 1549

you're welcome for the not heart shattering ending <3 please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

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