“Jesus Christ you look like sh*t,” I muttered to myself. My eyes were slightly bloodshot from tears and mascara was smudged around my eyes making me look like a panda. I can’t believe I was downstairs with him for about twenty minutes looking like this. I raised my chin and discovered red scratch marks and a few teeth marks on my pale skin. The emotions I’d been holding in since I woke up overpowered me and whimpers escaped my mouth. Tears welled up in my eyes a blink later and they were streaming down my face. My hand clamped over my mouth to suppress the cries as I scuttled over to the shower and turned it on. The falling water drowned out my cries allowing me to sob freely.

I looked up into the water so it could wash away all traces of makeup as I pulled the hairband that was keeping my hair in a bun. I detangled a few bobby pins then my hair fell down to my back. I spent at least fifteen minutes using the rough side of a sponge and some soap to scrub my skin especially concentrating on my neck. By the time I had done my pale skin on my neck was now quite red after the torture I’d put it through. No matter how much I washed I still didn’t feel clean, I still felt like I had traces of him on me. I slipped into my pyjamas which made me feel a bit more comfortable. After checking all traces of makeup were removed and patting my wet hair with a dry hair towel I took a second to gather my thoughts.

The smell of home cooking filled downstairs. I have literally been living on microwave meals since mum and dad had been gone so the smell made me feel even more comforted.

“Feeling better?” Lucas enquired as I entered the kitchen. He had his back to me as he retrieved a dish out of the oven so I don’t know how he knew I was here.

“I hope you’re hungry. Go sit down I will bring it through,” he ordered.

“I’ll get the cutlery,” I watched him plate the food up as I picked out two pairs of knives and forks.

I was so weird having someone else in the house with me, a good weird though. I felt safe and happy that I have someone to talk to. To me Lucas didn’t seem real, he looks like someone out of a movie. I don’t understand why he’s here with me when he could be out in town clubbing and getting with a girl with equally good looks. I slumped onto the sofa and switched the TV on so we have some background noise.

“Here we go,” be bent over and placed a plate on my lap.

“Thank you,” I smiled gratefully. He took a seat on the sofa opposite me and I leant over and handed him a knife and fork. It was only when I had food in front of me that I realised how hungry I was.

We ate in silence and although I kept my eyes fixated on my plate I could feeling his metallic gaze on me. I really wanted to know what happened after I blacked out but felt too embarrassed to ask. I dared to look up then our eyes locked “Why are you staring at me,” I laughed lightly.

After a second on him biting his lip in thought he spoke “Where are your parents?” he asked intrigued.

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