The Person I Despise the Most

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I'm on the couch laying down curled up i see Michonne carrying Judith "you need to eat" she said worried "no i'm not hungry" Michonne sets Judith down Judith immediately runs towards me

She grabs my face "the brave man wouldn't want you acting like this" i close my eyes as a tear falls down my face

Judith is the only reminder of Carl, and dad and i couldn't stand it i get up and started walking towards the door

"where are you going?" Michonne yelled "out" i said and storm out i walk outside and immediately hear "having a rough time?" he said

"shut up negan" i grip my fist i sit on the rail of the stairs and sit down on the steps Negan sighs grabs hold of the bars on the window

"Talk to me kid" he says with a serious calming voice that tone makes me flash back to when rick found me

i was hiding from the dead i was only 12 didn't know anything but to hide then i heard gun shots and shivered scared of people finding me but then i saw his boots

He sees me and reaches his hand out and i shake unsure if i want to i grab his hand i didn't care at this point i didn't want to be alone at least someone will be there if i die

I jumped into his arms softly sobbing he rubs my back as i see carl hiding behind a car with his mom and everybody

Then i hear softly "Talk to me kid" i snap back to reality "i miss them.." i said answering his question "I know..i miss him too" Negan said

i start humming Brother by NEEDTOBREARHE and i softly sing "Ramblers in the wilderness
We can't find what we need
We get a little restless from the searching Get a little worn down in between" tears start to fall as i look back at my life with rick and carl "Like a bull chasing the matador Is the man left to his own schemes Everybody needs someone beside 'em Shining like a lighthouse from the sea"  i feel eyes on me everywhere like an audience watching me but there invisible "Brother, let me be your shelter Never leave you all alone I can be the one you call When you're low"

i see daryl standing against a house in the corner of my eye i see Michonne sitting at the window "Brother, let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on Be the one to light the way Bring you home" i finished an stand up "wait- kid where you-" "i need to see someone" i said interrupting Negan  as i walk away to talk to the person i despise the most...

Negan and his Song birdOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora