Why Keep Me Around?

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Is Sam writing this from memory or while she's playing.

While she's playing. I wanted to make a new save file and play it just for nostalgic stuff. I loved this game when it came out and I wanted to play it again. I opened a unfinished third save file but I decided to delete it and start new just so I remember. (I played the game three times back then because I loved this game and I wanted to make new choices)

So here we are, I shipped Jesskas just a little but I didn't get far. I was and still am a huge Lukas simp and I actually got really into Jesskas, that's why I'm writing this.

Don't hate me or anything I love this game and this ship. If you don't ship it then leave already. And if you haven't played or seen gameplay yet, please do it's an amazing game and it has aged pretty good.

It also has colabs with many Minecraft YouTubers which was a really big deal at the time. But please watch gameplay of it before you read. I also might change some stuff because I am too impacient to finish chapters that are usually 1-2 hours...

Just a heads-up, enjoy~



"He's staying." Jesse has said to his friends.

Axel stood down, not questioning his friends judgement. "Fine..."

Olivia nodded and they all sat down. Lukas smiled and looked at his friend, "Thanks Jesse..." Jesse nodded. "Of course."

They all fell asleep except Lukas...

He was up all night thinking.


Once they all got up they instantly got moving. Axel kept his distance from the former Ocelots leader. He hung his head low...

'I messed things up...Jesse shouldn't have kept me around...' Lukas sighed softly. Jesse saw this and walked faster to reach Lukas. "Is everything okay?" He asked. He was worried...why?

"I messed things up..." Lukas averted his gaze. Jesse's face saddened. "Hey, things happen..." he pat the blond's shoulder.


The "Order of The Pig" had made it...barely. They were attacked by arrows, thank God they were alive still.

Jesse's idea of crafting something (a fishing rod) and hit the pressure plate. Lukas sighed and looked at Jesse, he had gotten hurt a little but nothing that could kill him. They walked into the next room.

"This looks like Ivor's creepy basement." Axel said. He was right...it looked fairly similar.


Lukas and Jesse had found a book and read the story of The Order of the Stone, the real story. They found out that Ivor was in The Order...but that was never said.

"They lied, they lied to us!" Olivia said, a little heartbroken and sad. They did...

They lied to everyone, every single person. "Why would they do that?" Axel asked. "This is all crazy..." Lukas said. Why would they lie?

Jesse reminded them what their task was, find Petra and that the Wither Storm was still around. "Jesse's right, we need to focus on what we came here to do." Lukas said, agreeing with the brown haired male.


Jesse had figured out how to track The Order. Now all they needed to do was find them. Lukas had volunteered to stay behind if Petra was still alive and needed help.

Jesse had wanted him to go with them, but he refused. Jesse looked at him with a little sad expression. He nodded, Lukas had also suggested if someone stayed with him. Which made Axel suggest Olivia stayed while he and Jesse find Magnus. Olivia had argued that they needed Ellegaard.

Jesse agreed with Olivia and they left, leaving Axel and Lukas...

Lukas was a little nervous but he stayed calm. Axel didn't seem so thrilled with the idea but Olivia was able to change his mind...

Axel was only doing it for Petra....

Of course...

Lukas's gaze then turned to the sound coming from behind them. "Uhhh guys..."

The Wither Storm...

"Please hurry..." Lukas said...


The two made it back with Ellegaard, and they arrived to see Petra.

But no Gabriel...

And it seemed that Magnus was also there...

Lukas explained that Axel left to go get Magnus, who Ellegaard didn't seem to get along with...


After a while everyone left because the Wither Storm was getting closer. They went  into a building and they all split up...

Leaving Lukas with Jesse and Rueben. They left to catch up with the others. "Hey...Jesse, why keep me around?" Lukas asked out of the blue. "Jesse stopped swimming for a sec then continued. "What do you mean Lukas?"

"I-I'm saying...why did you stop me from leaving?" He asked a little better. Jesse stayed quiet then breathed out. "I..."

They then heard shouting

Magnus and Ellegaard seemed to have gotten into a fight...


They all split up but were able to find each other. With them finding out that Petra was sick...

Lukas and the others were worried.

He looked over at Jesse. Jesse looked back then averted his gaze, his eyes looking the other way. He walked over. "Jesse...what did you want to tell me?" Lukas asked.

Jesse grabbed his hand and led them away from the others but not too far.

He stopped and turned around. Lukas looked at him confused. "Jesse..?" Jesse looked him in the eyes and...was he blushing?

"Lukas...I...I..." "Y-You what?" Lukas got a little closer. "Whatever your reason is, I won't hate you or question you." Lukas placed a hand on the others shoulder. Jesse smiled and moved Lukas's hand to his face.

Lukas blushed, "W-Wha-" "I love you Lukas." Jesse cut him off, smiling softly. Lukas blushed harder. "Y-You do?" Lukas stuttered. "Yes...I know we didn't start off great but...I've always had a crush on you. I just hid my feelings because I knew you wouldn't feel the same...plus Adrien was a huge jerk who would probably make fun of me. That asshole.."

"Jesse..." Lukas kissed his soft lips. Jesse tensed up a little but kissed back. "Woah! I did not need to see that.." Petra said looking away. The two men jolted away from each other and looked over at the ginger.

"Petra..." "Hey, it's cool. I have nothing against this but...I really didn't expect that...wow..." Petra blushed embarrassed. "Don't mind me continue what you were doing..." she left. "By the way, hurt him Jesse and I will feed you to the zombies." She threatened. Jesse gave her a look of horror. "Kidding! But not really, just a warning." She laughed and left.

The two of them looked back at each other and laughed. They brought their faces close and kissed each other again. This time more deep and loving.

Jesse's tears also mixing in with their silva, making it salty...

They broke the kiss and smiled. "Lets get back to the other." Jesse said taking the others hand. Lukas nuzzled his now lover, "Lets..." Lukas answered.

They walked back to continue their adventure to destroy the Wither Storm.

Jesse now had a more reason to do this, for Lukas...


*yawns* Hope you liked it and my stupidity. I'll probably redo this in the future since it was a little rushed...


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