Chapter 1: Creating the powerful Bakugan

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Masquerade's P.O.V

I heard Hal-G taking to Naga about something, so I decided to check out what they're talking about, so I went to the as Hal-G turned towards me saying. "Perfect, your finally here Masquerade, with him here now the other part of the plan can be started." So I asked him what are they're talking about so Hal-G said. "Well I was telling Naga about my plan to finally get rid of these battle brawler forever." So I asked. "What is this plan of yours?" Then with that evil smile of his he looked at me and said. "Well, I was talking with Naga about giving me Part of the silent core to create a bakugan so powerful that not even Hydranoid or Drago can defeat it, and of course the Bakugan will listen to you and another person." then I asked about what's that has to do with me and this "person" to which Hal-G answered: "Simple Masquerade, I was thinking that not only we create this Bakugan, but you kidnap Dan Kuso, so Naga can control him to make him join us, so we can use Dan as a shield, so Drago doesn't attack us, so Naga can get the infinity core from his sister Wavern." I looked at Hal-G and Naga before saying. "Well, if it gets the brawlers off our backs then I'll do it." Hal-G said perfect as I left to find Dan's house since it was already night he must be asleep by now but either didn't matter since I'm going to take him regardless of his parents waking up or not anyways, I made it to Dan's house and saw the lights were out meaning everyone in the house should be asleep right now which was perfect and easier to take Dan.

Dan's P.O.V

I was getting ready for bed when I suddenly felt like someone was in my bedroom with me, but I looked around only seeing it was me and Drago in the room, so I turned to Drago asking him: "Hey Drago, do you feel like someone is here?" Drago turned to me saying he feels the same thing I looked around until I heard Drago say: "Dan! Behind you!" I turned around to see Masquerade standing behind me with a smirk I gasped backing away from Masquerade as I said: "What the hell are you doing in my room Masquerade?!" He just kept smirking as he grabbed a hold of my arm holding it tightly as he said: "You're coming with me that's why I'm here" My eyes widened as I began to struggle telling him to let go of me before I kicked him hard enough to get him to let go of me I quickly got to my window opening it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to escape so as a last minute decision I grabbed Drago as Masquerade grabbed my arm luckily it wasn't the arm I was holding Drago, I looked at Drago and said. "You need to leave I can't risk Naga hurting you, tell the others what happened." Before Drago could protest I quickly threw him straight out the window, and before I could say anymore to Drago, Masquerade covered my mouth with a cloth which I can smell the scent of Chloroform I continued to struggle as I heard footsteps I knew it was my mother since my father was away on business I can feel my consciousness slipping away I continued to struggle until my body felt numb, and I lost consciousness fully and soon everything just went black.

Masquerade's P.O.V

I saw Dan's body went limp I smirked picking him up I heard footsteps and the door open to a woman who I'm guessing is Dan's mother she looked shock as she said: "Let my son go, What are you doing to him?!" I just ignored her as I took out a card and the card started to glow, I saw her running towards me but Dan and I disappeared as I was teleported to Hal-G was which he was with Naga so he turned to me and said: "Perfect, you got Dan now the plan is in action." as he said that he turn to Naga as Naga used half of the silent core to give Hal-G half of the core soon Naga used the silent core again to create a cage, so I can put Dan in which I did then Hal-G said: "Let's go to the Doom dimension now masquerade." I nodded as we along with Dan were teleported away from Vestroia into the Doom dimension when we did Dan finally woke up I smirked as I said: "Welcome Dan, to the doom dimension."

Dan's P.O.V

"Welcome Dan, to the Doom dimension." Is what Masquerade said when I fully woke up I looked around seeing no life around I looked at Hal-G and Masquerade telling them to let me go but Hal-G just laughed saying: "You really think we would let you go Dan? After you see the birth of the most powerful bakugan you'll be joining us in taking the infinity core!" The birth of the most powerful bakugan? What did he mean by that? I watched as Hal-G held some kind of core up in the air soon I just say the core float up in the air with what appear to be Bakugan Energy from all the bakugan who were sent here start going to this core when this was happening Hal-G said: "With this part of the silent core, this bakugan will listen to its master." Soon a bright flash can be seen as I used I covered my eyes from the light, when I uncovered my eyes that's when I saw a bakugan just appear there I can see Hal-G smirking along with Masquerade with Hal-G saying: "This Bakugan can not only use everything attributes but also became every attributes at once with this bakugan on our side no one can stop us!" he said this with an evil laugh and I said: "Then why kidnap me if you just want this bakugan?!" Hal-G turned to me and said: "that's very simple Dan Kuso, you'll be the one using this bakugan to fight along with us!" I told them I'll never join them, but Masquerade said: "You don't have a choice Dan Kuso, Naga will make sure you'll join us rather you like or not." Hal-G grabbed the bakugan who turned in its ball form Hal-G said to Masquerade: "Let's take Dan to my new Lab, so Naga can brainwash Dan." Masquerade nodded as he used a card to teleport us to Hal-G's new Lab as the cage I was in suddenly moved towards a platform before disappeared I got up and tried to run but there was a force field stopping me from leaving soon some kind of glowing chains grabbed me by both of my wrists as Hal-G said: "With Naga exposing you to just the right amount of negative energy you'll be joining our side in no time." Hal-G went to his computer started typing some stuff was he put the bakugan in a capsule I looked behind me as I saw a portal opening up and out came negative energy I can feel it as it came closer to me, I began to struggle with the chains yanking and pulling on them until that negative energy was going into me, I screamed in pain trying to fight off the negative energy with Hal-G saying: "Just give up Dan Kuso, so you don't have to go through the pain." I said: "Never!" I kept screaming in pain, so I watched as Hal-G and Masquerade just walked away with Masquerade looked at me and said: "Don't worry Dan you'll break soon with all that negative energy or maybe your friends might come and save you, but I doubt they'll make it on time before you creak under the pressure of the negative energy." He laughed as he walked away leaving me too alone to fight off the negative energy which felt like it was draining all of my energy.......

Drago's P.O.V

After Dan threw me out of the window I landed in a bush I looked at Dan's window seeing a bright flash come out of it meaning Masquerade took Dan now I have to find someone to tell them what happened, so I started moving as fast as I could in case Masquerade tried to grab me I kept moving far away from Dan's house not knowing where I was going until I felt someone grab me I looked to see who grabbed me hoping it wasn't masquerade or some random kid and luckily for me, it wasn't Masquerade or a random kid it was in fact Shun who grabbed and asked: "Drago? Why are you here? Why aren't you with Dan?" I explained everything to Shun as he suddenly looked shocked that Masquerade took Dan saying: "We need to wake the others up and fast we don't have much time left." So Shun held me in his hand as he went to get everyone up even Joe and Wavern as a half asleep Runo asked: "Shun why are you waking us up so late in the night." Alice nodded in agreement so did everyone else but I appeared from Shun's shoulder saying: "That's because Masquerade showed up and kidnapped Dan." Everyone's eyes widened as Marucho said: Why would Masquerade kidnap Dan?!" To which Wavern said: "Its probably a plan from my brother to use Dan as some sort of shield to get to the infinity core." Runo then said: "Dan would never join Naga no matter what." But Alice said: "Yeah, but Naga has the silent core which is like negative energy that he can use to brainwash Dan." Joe then said: "But we have Wavern she can just use the infinity core to remove the negative energy from Dan after we save him." Everyone nodded but then Runo said: "But how are we going to save Dan on time we don't know where Masquerade took him, I doubt that they took him to Alice's grandfather's lab since that's too obvious meaning they would have a new Lab of some sort." Suddenly Shun just said: "We have to find Dan, We just have to look at every possible location there is!" I could feel Shun's anger he must be worried then again him and Dan have been friends since childhood and Dan did say Shun was very protective of him I just hope we can find Dan before its too late.... Soon Alice said: "I think I may know where they took Dan.... I remember one time I randomly found my self in this location which looked like a house and I saw Hal-G...." Shun instantly said: "Great, now we just need to follow Alice then we'll get Dan back before the negative energy brainwash Dan into being on Naga's side."

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