Chapter 3.

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Even though the other large breasted girls at school were being nice to her, and she knew the boys were wondering what she looked like beneath her layers, Grassy had become more reclusive and less likely to develop friendships.

One day, while leaving the building by her usual route, she was surprised to be greeted by a friendly “Hey Grassy!” To her amazement, it was one of the dumpster boys, all alone this time. Since when did he even know her name?

“Hey, I’m sorry we used to be so mean to you…” he approached her cautiously. “We were just being assholes.”

“Well, it hurt my feelings,” she recalled. “Is that all? You just wanted to apologize for ruining my freshman year?”

“No, actually… I had some questions about Biology homework. You always get ‘A’s, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe help me on tonight’s assignment?”

She couldn’t believe he had the gall to want to change from bully into study partner so quickly, and she suspected that her body’s developments had something to do with it. However, she was in a charitable mood, and since she had intended to work on homework that evening as well, she agreed. His name was Tom. As they walked back to his house, they talked about Biology and school. But by the time they got to his bedroom, they were talking about family and feelings and all sorts of personal topics.

She sat next to Tom on his bed, and they hadn’t even taken out their Biology textbooks yet. For a long awkward pause, they had run out of things to say. Her whole body felt weird and anxious. She reached her hand to her back, which had begun to ache again, an unusually hungering ache.

“Does your back hurt you?” he asked.

“Well, you know… it’s because of…” she giggled a little, breaking the tension.

“I could rub it a little, if that would make it feel better,” he offered chivalrously. “I mean, your back.”

Her whole body quaked with desire at the very thought. She marveled at life’s twists, that this guy who she used to hate was now offering to ease some of her pain. No expensive masseuse fees. No more twisted-up attempts to rub herself.

He started squeezing her shoulders gently, which felt delicious for a short time. “Harder!” she blurted out impatiently, louder than she meant to.

“Okay!” Tom laughed. He was enjoying himself, and he must have had some idea how good it felt to her. Not just good, ecstatic. Ecstasy was flowing up and down her body. Her humongous boobs, now ample enough to heave, heaved accordingly.

He was rubbing around her lower sides and she felt him get a little too close to her front, so she pulled forward in fear. Oh no, he could never touch them! she worried. “Careful,” she warned him.

“Okay, okay,” he said, with clear disappointment in his voice.

Although the rub felt good all over, there was one spot in the middle of her upper back that she couldn’t reach herself. “Rub up and down in the middle,” she demanded, and Tom did as she obeyed. “Oh my God, that’s amazing!” she moaned. “Faster!”

“This is an intense backrub,” he joked. But he was happy to keep it coming, happy just to touch her. He stroked her back with both his hands and pushed in a little harder.

Rapture! She had what felt like a religious experience, her body shaking like an earthquake from head to toe. Her large hairy breasts rose like dirigible crafts and ascended up into her midsection, pleasure and pain expanding in every pore in her body. “Whoa!” said Tom as she began to explode in delight.

“Don’t stop!” she demanded, but her words were soon choked by vomit. The eruption of bliss liquefied in her mouth, and she started puking all over the bed. Her breasts pulled themselves tighter into her body, fueling the volcano.

“What the…?” gasped Tom, everything happening so fast. He tried to grab her hair back and hold her shoulders for comfort, but that felt so good that she threw up even more. “Right there!” she screamed. Her body shook again and she felt like she had vomited gallons and gallons. Her vision went black in pure ecstasy and she passed out.

She woke up a minute later, sticky and sleepy. She had never felt so good, but a realization of the strangeness that had happened brought her back to her senses. Tom had carried in a bunch of towels and was trying to soak up his ruined bed sheets. “What happened!?” he asked, half worried and half angry.

“Thank you,” she could barely speak. She had meant Thank you for cleaning up, but also, Thank you for the amazing backrub.

“Do you upchuck like that a lot?” asked Tom curiously.

“No, no,” she said, looking around at the mess. It didn’t look like normal vomit. It was thick and cream-colored. “Weird,” she said. “Let’s get some laundry bags and take your sheets to the cleaners.”

“Good thing my parents aren’t home,” he said.

They never did get to their Biology homework. That night, she laid in bed feeling wonderful, but a little nervous that she’d never be able to talk Tom into giving her another backrub.

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