"Thanks I was kinda freaking out about it when I got home. I assumed I had left it at McDonald's."

"I was gonna throw the trash away this morning but then i saw it, the butterfly is super pretty by the way. You designed it right?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

She looked up surprised, "Wait yeah. How can you tell?"

"After looking at your drawings and designs it's easy to tell your style," He smiled.

"Seriously?" Sicheng asked confused, "Even I can't see it."

"I'm her boyfriend Duh," Yuta laughed flicking Sicheng's forehead.

"Hey! You've only been her boyfriend for like a few hours don't get cocky," He shot back.

Hyunjae was still trying to comprehend that he was able to tell her style of drawing. She had many styles of drawing though, which is why it caught her a bit off guard. When people see her animal (or in this case insect) drawings they can rarely tell she was the one who drew it.

"You have a good eye," Hyunjae smiled complimenting him as she continued to eat.

"Well yeah I like you don't I?" Yuta winked.

"Jesus Christ," Sicheng mumbled.

Hyunjae had to agree with that. He was really cheesy for that.

"No comment," she replied, "But thanks again for keeping my wallet safe and for the breakfast. You sure know how to make a mean omelette."

Yuta smiled at the complement, "Anytime pretty girl."

"Thanks but I gotta go work on finishing a few sketches," she pouted sadly.

She didn't wanna leave already but if she didn't finish these sketches before she had to hang out with her friends she wouldn't finish in time.

"And I have to go play league," Sicheng said heading to the spare room, "Later Jae."

Hyunjae waved as he left the two alone.

Yuta laughed, "You know that's his excuse to leave us alone right?"

"Oh definitely," she laughed stretching.

Yuta's breakfast really hit the spot, all Hyunjae wanted to do now was take a nap but she had work to finish. Granted they were easy sketches but still. She stood up with a sigh making sure to put her wallet in her bag so she wouldn't lose it again.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" He asked walking with her to the door.

"Yeah I'm sorry. I have to finish a few clothing pieces for my class," she pouted.

"Will you need help?" He asked smiling brightly.

"Not really unless your wanna watch me sew and stab my finger a couple times while sewing beads onto a dress?" She asked him with a chuckle.

"I'm all for it," he nodded with a smile, "Plus Kunhang told me that when you work on clothing you forget to eat so I'm gonna be there to remind you to take breaks and eat."

She gasped, "When did he tell you that?"

"A while ago. He told me you get really into your work and you don't like to be disturbed."

She shook her head laughing, "it's not that I don't like to be disturbed it's that I get focused and lose my train of thought easily."

"So is that a no?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

"It's a yes, but only if you're sure. You're probably gonna be bored to death to be honest," she smiled patting his cheek gently.

"Bored with you? Never," He smiled, "Text me the details and what you wanna eat. Kay?"

Wannabe // NCT College AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ