Chapter 07

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Sorry for ghosting y'all 🤧 but hey I'm back hehehe


"Jungwon!!" Sunghoon called as soon as he saw the younger walking at the hallway

The younger closed his eyes and refuses to look at him or else his mouth will talk without his permission. Sunghoon ran to catch up to him when he saw that the younger didn't heard him.

He tapped the younger's shoulder, "I called you though"

"Sorry, I didn't heard you. You need something, hyung?" As he awkwardly smiled at him making the older squint his eyes and scrunch his nose.

"Did something happen? Why are you acting suspicious?"

Letting out a nervous a chuckle, "Nothing happened aside from Heeseung hyung snapping, nothing really happened" he the made a cross and shook his head repeatedly.

"Heeseung hyung snapped? Why? Where is he by the way? Been finding him since earlier"

"I don't really know,he just disappears everytime after the meeting ends, so.." Sunghoon then nodded before taking his leave and thanking him.

Jungwon stood at his place and gulped repeatedly, "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

Seeing that the older has already disappeared in his view, he tried to convince himself before sighing deeply, "I'mma go and make my will right now"

While he was walking at the corridor silently, his track stopped as he felt a strong and dark presence behind him. He immediately turn his back to look on who it was and saw a student with silver undercut hair.

The latter's corner lip raised upward, "Park Sunghoon, the said human, isn't it?"

With a confused look he slowly nodded his head, "Do you need something? How'd you know though?"

The latter took three steps forward towards him and he as well took three steps backwards as his presence was so strong that he's intimidated

"Being the only human here, of course I'd know you," In just a blink of an eye he was already in front of the said human and leaned in his ears, "...but the question is, are you really?" he whispered

Sunghoon immediately pushed him away. Seeing the fear in his eyes, the latter stepped backwards and smiled, "Don't be afraid, my mouth is shut and I don't really care about you being a human or whatever"

"Then, why'd you approached me? I know there's a reason why you did" He said cautiously, knowing the student in front of him is no joke.

"I just want to see the sole reason why Heeseung lost his rationality at the meeting earlier... And seeing you right now... He's got taste, huh?"

"He what? That doesn't sound like him" the latter shrugged his shoulder and stuffed his hand in his pocket while leaning at the wall. Sunghoon has to admit that the student in front of him looks like a god who was carefully sculpted into perfection.

His whole existence screams perfection

The latter smirked with amusement dancing in his eyes, "What do you know about him? Well, you are right though, it doesn't sounds like him but he did it anyway and it's because of you"

"Does it involve me joining the pre trial?"

"You're smart, I like it" he grinned.

He once again advanced towards him, "He's at the garden but beware it's a place where you're prohibited"

Resisting the urge of asking why, he tugged the hem of his uniform and smiled at him, "Thanks and in return wanna know something?"


Sunghoon smiled widely as he was now the one leaning in his ear.. he whispered, "Do you know that your lover won't make it till the end of the school year? I suggest cherishing your time with him" and left the latter dumbfounded.

The latter was so enraged that his aura and eyes turned violently dark with his orbs glowing in anger. As soon as his hand was clenched the ice rink exploded.

Shocking the hell out of everyone who has heard the explosion

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