Chapter No # 26 (After All Odds)

Start from the beginning

During Delhi He got to know what caused Her and why Her Personality became so Weak where She was filled with Negativities & Insecurities. And He remembers this too that how much She got changed after their Mumbai's Fight. She trusted Him a lot with Her Life or else if it was old Khushi who didn't talked with Him on Call but in Delhi She had always let Him close to Her. If He would have crossed His Boundaries so She would have let Him do also.

There is not any Moment which He remembered when She didn't Trust Him or showed Him how much She is in Love with Him. Even She showed Her Trust towards Him when Ratna had actually announced His Marriage with Lavanya. More than Herself She was worried about Him and how He would be Coping up with this.
Then if it was another Girl so She wouldn't care if His Relationship with His Mother is Good or not but here Khushi put all Her Efforts in Amending His Relationship with Her, His Mother. And why because it's Him. At that Time 5 Years Ago when He wasn't in Good Terms with His Mother at that Time too He fell for Her more by Her thinking. And now just all because of Her, He got His Family back, His Mother back.
He understands all and even His Love for Her has also increased with Passage of Time.

But He doesn't know what is stopping Him to be with Her when Khushi had misconceptions about their Love & Relation and now also when She herself has taken 1 Step towards Him so what is actually stopping Him.

His Trust got broken due to His Past and He knows when She is going to be back in His Life again so maybe He will start to Live again and maybe She would Amend His broken Trust within no Time that much He knows Her.

So what is actually stopping Him. Earlier it was because of Her He didn't and now when She herself is saying so why He is stopping Himself back from taking Her back in His Life and give Her that Love which His Heart, His Soul & His Body is Craving for.

After yesterday He asked His Mind plenty of Times to guide Him what should He do but here His Mind just went silent after He met Her Yesterday making His Heart dance in Victory.

He palmed His Heart again & again Few Tears escaped from His Eyes remembering in what condition She was in as She described to Him. If He was suffering in Pain in these 5 Years so there in India She wasn't happy at all. If She was Happy then it was a different case but She was too in Pain like Him which was very well expected knowing how much both of them are in Love with each other.

In these Years there was many Times where He wanted to Suicide to end all these Pains but never ever He got that much Courage so He drown Himself more in Alcohols, Smoke & Drugs. And here Khushi after some Months of their Breakup She committed Suicide.

He had always known She was Weak at Heart who showed His Weakness only to Him. And it's the same case with Him also, He is also Weak at Heart towards Her when He is known as A.S.R in the Business World. People feared from Him & from His Anger. And He showed His Weakness, Softness & His Real Self to Her and its the same case with Her too. When He had Promised to be with Her and Proposed Her to Marry so why after some Hours Their Ways & Paths got separated? When He had always known how She is at Heart which is filled with Insecurities & Negativties regarding Herself and their Relation, so when She was at Her Weakest Point He should have been there with Her like She told Him Yesterday.

"You are Mature You would understand My Feelings behind those Words rather than My Words. I thought One Day or Another Day You will understand Me but nothing like that ever happened. You would say,

Annav Khush meaning ArShi is Forever. Anyone nor Our Fate will Separate Us and not even Ourselves even after We try a lot.

True They Love each other a lot and He is Years elder to Her so He should have made Her Understand so where did this thing go? What stopped Him then & now?

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