Chapter No # 26 (After All Odds)

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Chapter No # 26

"After All Odds"

Next Morning
At Around 9 AM
In Bourgogne (City of France)
In Ace Huntington Hotel
In Arnav's Suite
In Mini Living Room
Arnav aka A.S.R with Tina, Aman and Head of Interior & Designing Team are seating with Mr. Marino, Mr. Berk, GM with Head of Interior & Designing Team.

All together 10 People are having Discussion on Collab. Since it was already decided, the Winning Team will have the Upper Hand and A.K. Fashionista's Designs are most loved by the Selected Public. Even the Members of DeCore Studio loved it more than their Own Designs. Now Mr. Marino understood why A.S.R is growing tremendously because A.S.R is extremely Lucky. Spend Hours with Him & under Him You will get to learn a lot. Even Mr. Marino & DeCore Studio are learning to listen to A.S.R telling His Ideas. His Posture, His Concepts as well as what He has planned made all 9 Peoples to listen & see Him attentively. Be with Him or under Him, Your State would change from Worst to Good because A.S.R is best.

After a few Hours of Long Discussion finally the Meeting has ended here.

A.S.R: Thank You Ladies and Gentleman for Your Precious Time. If any of You have any Queries then do ask Me I'm all here to Answer it.

(Hearing Him no one has any Questions as He was just Perfect. His Ideas have no place for any slightest of Mistakes. Then Mr. Marino stands up and says.)

Mr. Marino: No A.S.R We don't have any Questions or any Worries. And Honestly speaking it's Good that You won it or else if it was My Team so I don't know were My Team's Designs would be able to win their Hearts or not? And since it's for Good Cause so You & Your Team can handle it more vicely & greatly than Us.
A.S.R (with Slight Smile): Thank You Mr. Marino for Your Honestly. And I from My Team also liked Your Designs. And since We both are Working together, We both will learn a lot. If My Team is Mistaking somewhere so Your Team is going to correct it and its same case with us.
Mr. Marino (Smilingly): Thank You A.S.R. It's Honour for Me to listen to all this from You. Thank You so much. And yes, we are all there to guide each other. It will be great Working with You.

(After this Arnav smiled a little lightly. Arnav's this Nature in Business makes Him stand out. That's why Mr. Marino was chasing Him for 4 to 6 Years when A.K. Fashionista hasn't formed. It was through a Close Contact, Arnav before saying Yes to DeCore Studio He had Detailed Background and now both Parties are doing a Collab Project. Since it was a Good Cause and A.K. Fashionista's first Huge Project so Arnav is deciding everything on his Own.

Then A.S.R handshake with Members of DeCore Studio and it was the same case with them.

Soon everyone left after deciding their Next Move. Now Arnav is sitting in His Mini Living Room drinking Alcohol and looking Intensely at Huge Photo Frame of His Khush which He had hide it in His Room so that no one can see Her.

Seeing Her Picture He remembers their Yesterday's Conversation which They had then remembers the Time which He got to spend with His Khush in Mumbai & then in Delhi.

When He was in Chatting Period with Her He got to know how She is then Mumbai's Fight also caused due to His Impulsive Behaviour and Her Reaction to it. He doesn't blame Her for Mumbai Fight and certainly don't blame Her for Delhi's Fight as well.

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