Clara's Mad Love

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3rd pov

Today is the day that the first years will choose their compulsory subject and everyone was told to pick the subject they are interested at Iruma and Asmodeus chose lectures since for Iruma all that is needed to be done there is sitting and listening to the lectures and Asmodeus wanted to be where Iruma is so he chose lecture then Clara decided to choose succubus subject which is taught by a succubus teacher since Clara wanted to learn how to seduce Iruma since she noticed that Iruma is spending more time with the student council president. Asmodeus is suspicious of Clara's motive but Clara avoided the questioning gaze of the misfits class and just thought about how she will seduce Iruma.

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Arianna's pov

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Arianna's pov

Looking at the trio I looked at my compulsory subject sheet and at the subjects listed and chose to pick the same subject clara chose since she wanted to see if it can help her in the future.
At Raim's class the girls were the only students allowed to enter, the teacher started the class by explaining how seduction works then when they notice a boy inside the teacher tied and threw him out then continued the class by using her ability to measure the sex appeal of the students. Elizabetta stood out because she earned 89% then the next was Arianna who earned 90% shocking the class at how high it is but when they saw how expensive her clothes and how good her skin along with her beauty is they understood where the number came from. Clara was only 2% making the teacher shocked and terrified since even babies have 3% so she gave every one their textbook basing by the rank of their measurement, Elizabetta and Arianna were rank A so they were given books according to the rank while Clara was given special books to learn.
Clara read the first chapter of the book and learned that good posing will attract the target so she went to Iruma and posed then after that failed Clara tried the next step which is touching but failed as well then after that she tried with clothing, perfume and make-up but all failed so she went home depressed.

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