Peursuasive writing with Mr Williams

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"I'm freaking out" said Skyler. "It's ok. just ask Mrs Frey if you can have some more time" replied Zoe. "Yeah that's what I would" do says Kate. But then she sees Mr Williams. "No not today" she groaned under her breath. Why can't the tuckshop lady teach us. At least then we with be suffering from anxiety! "Inside" he yelled us us. What Di we do I thought. Practically running into class. "Why dose he hate us" I wispered to skyler. "Lauchlan you have detention" he boomed. We practically flung ourselves into our seats. "What did I do" said Lauchlan. "You don't have a blue pen. You have a black one" he said like it was the most obvious thing. I looked over at Skyler. She had a 'really' expression. I was stressing out. "Okay here are your test" he said as he slammed one down in front of me, marking me wince. I grabbed my ruler to make margins. Eli raised his hand hesitantly, "can I get a ruler out of my bag". "Yes, but you've earned yourself a detention" He said.
Ten minutes to go
I looked over at zoe "mine sucks I mouthed". "Add 'fraternising with the enemy' she mouthed back". "Thanks" I wispered. (Get it? No. Okay then) I keep adding random smart phrases to make me sound smart. Mabey it didn't suck so bad after all. I'm gonna nail this! "Times up" screamed mr Williams. I swear one day I'm going to have a heart attack I whispered to Bella. She giggled. If allowed her gaze. "Your not even listening, your just rolling over callum!" I said. "What? No kate... Wait what?". "Just go ask him out!" She blushed and gave me the 'yeah right' look. "Well I'm just glad that's over". I said to everyone. Just then Ethan came down the hallway. "You left this in art" He said. "Oh thanks" I said. Looking into his eyes. Maybe I did have tiny crush on him...
Sorry for not updating in like forever and I know it's short and that your not going to care about any of my excuses but..... I WAS busy. Anyways... I know this is a bit much but just one comment would be great or one vote. I font really mind it's just that at the moment I have absolutely no motivation for this story. Ok Byeguys! (Don't judge me)

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