Champion (flash back)

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3 years before the entrance exam
(He has both eyes right now)

Hizashi was going down his normal patrol routes helping old people cross streets and giving people directions because today was a really slow day. The sky was clear, and virtual radio silence on his crime scanner. "Maybe Ill leave early today and hangout with Inko and izuku, yea that would be nice" hizashi thought aloud.

"So, you got a child?" A man said as he walked closer to Hizashi

"What does it mean to you?" Hizashi looked the man up and down. And saw

"It doesn't mean anything to me, unless they are as promising as you" the long haired man said "my name is Michikatsu Tsugikuni

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"It doesn't mean anything to me, unless they are as promising as you" the long haired man said "my name is Michikatsu Tsugikuni. I am my masters top warrior second only to machia. My quirk energy channeling: allows me to channel energy into a object and release it as I please."

"Ok and?" Hizashi said as he slowly pulled his the spear connected to a chain out of his back pocket. "What's your goal here?"

"I want your quirk, and I need to kill you to have it" The long haired man said as he slashed with his sword at the hero's face but missed. Hizashi jump back and threw his spear at the swordsman. The swordsman dodged and ran towards Hizashi. The hero pulled the chain of his spear back just fast enough to clash with Michikatsu.

"Why aren't you using a sword, hero"

"This weapon is more fun, and I haven't even pulled the hole thing outta my pocket yet."

"Don't bother you'll need your sword if you want to keep on living against me"

Hizashi kinda tuned him out. He pulled on his chain and wrapped it around the swordsman sword. The swordsman tried to pull his sword back but he ended up getting pulled forward by the chain. Finally Michikatsu got his sword outta the hero's iron grip. Hizashi pulled the rest of his chain to reveal a metal spiked ball around the size of a softball and started spinning the ball while holding the spear tip in his hand.

 Hizashi pulled the rest of his chain to reveal a metal spiked ball around the size of a softball and started spinning the ball while holding the spear tip in his hand

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"I hope you dont mind jail Tsugikuni"

"Such an empty threat when I've barely been taking this seriously"

"I guess that's one way we are similar"

"I guess it is"

Hizashi rushed his opponent and swung the flail at the swordsman

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Hizashi rushed his opponent and swung the flail at the swordsman. Michikatsu dodged and swung a charged sword strike towards his opponent which created a moving crescent like beam moving towards the hero. Hizashi dodged just in time to only get a large shallow cut on his side. Not letting a shallow cut stop him Hizashi rushed his opponent but keeping close to the ground just in case of a another charged attack. Hizashi kept on trying to to hit him but the flail was too slow and the spear tip was too short to do anything but block attacks, so he had to pull out his sword.

The battle the 2 had was legendary (if I  tried to compare it to something it would be Jin vs mugen if their fight had gone on) something you'd have to be there to see and this is def not because I got lazy and this is a lot of work for a mildly important filler chapter.

Hizashi stood over Michikatsu with pride and a bunch of gashes and a lot of blood Where his right eye was at.

"Just kill me" hizashi heard michikatsu say. "I can't bear going back to my master as disgraced as I am now"

"Your not going back to your master tsugikuni, I'm following up on my promise from earlier" the hero said as he pulled quirk damping cuffs out of his pocket and placed them on the swordsman. He waited almost 2 mins until the paramedics and cops arrived. Thankfully there wasn't a lot damage to the surrounding area.

—somewhere else

"So Michikatsu lost, how disappointing" a tall man shrouded in darkness said

"Yes it's very sad that we lost our first test subject for the M.Q.B project" the short doctor said

"Just complete the high end project for now we'll worry about M.Q.B project later" the dark figure said.

Finished sep/15/21

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