They Don't Know About Us

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Hello! Welcome to the first one-shot for Birmingham Disciplinary School for Boys. I have no idea how many of these there will be, and some might just be smut, and some might be a random storyline I thought of. I'm going to provide short summaries and tags for trigger warnings. Sorry for any mistakes. 

Summary: It's Harry's first performance/interview since gaining success with his first single. There's some smut, some angst, Harry is little for some of this. Medical 'kink', but not really since Harry's little, but also kind of since he's only little for some of it. I don't really know, just read it and find out. Also this probably--definitely--has inaccurate medical practices. Harry goes to the doctors and finds out some news (no, he's not pregnant, this isn't mpreg and won't ever be, sorry). TRIGGERS include anxiety attack.


After the recent success of Harry's first single, the pressure has been immense; Harry being called to do interviews and live performances, and to be honest, he wasn't expecting it.

A few days ago, Louis and Harry had finally settled on a quiet, little, one-bedroom flat. They made it their own by redecorating, Harry saying that almost everything they buy should be preowned because of excessive waste and overproduction in the world.

They spent a day thrifting and consigning and easily found decor that could be painted or reused in different ways than intended.

After graduation (where Harry was whistling loudly and jumping up and down while Louis' name was called) Louis decided that because of the sudden success from Harry's single, he will complete online classes for a psychology degree.

Currently, Harry is getting his hair sprayed and light makeup touch-ups in the dressing room at the Graham Norton show. Louis is reading through a sheet of questions that are going to be asked, while Harry's manager, Tom, is talking through what's okay and what's not okay to mention in the interview.

"You want me to what!?" Harry exclaims, whipping his head around to Tom, his green eyes excruciatingly wide and his eyebrows practically touching his hairline. He's never really been comfortable with Tom before so this outburst is definitely a shock to everyone in the room.

Tom rolls his eyes and sighs. "We don't want you mentioning your relationship." He says in all seriousness, his chubby finger flicking between Harry and Louis who is now glaring.

Louis is about to speak up when Harry lays a soft hand on his chest. "It's alright, Lou, I'll handle it." He says calmly.

Louis looks a bit skeptical but he trusts Harry, so he knows it'll be okay. Without responding, Harry goes back facing forward for the stylist to finish his hair.

He's completely, one hundred percent nervous for this performance, but he's been working with Dr. Rossi to remain centered in times of anxiety. It doesn't mean his foot isn't bouncing wildly up and down though.

"Hey baby, you alright?" Louis' now stood at the side of his sub, one hand rested on Harry's thigh, the other one intertwining with the boys.

Harry doesn't even look up before he's shaking his head.

Louis squeezes the younger boy's hand for reassurance. "Can we get a second please?" He announces and everyone in the room leaves.

Louis crouches down in front of Harry's chair and frowns at the pinched closed eyes and trembling hands.

"Can you look at me please?" He asks, tone still soft as he rubs his thumbs in circles around Harry's knees where his hands lay.

With a pout and slight resistance, Harry's glossed-over eyes squint open. His chin wobbles and he grabs for his dom's hands. "Can't Lou." He murmurs, looking straight past Louis.

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