"True. Points made on both sides, we understand each other right?" I asked and we both nodded. "Alright, sound then"

"Sound then? What does that mean?"

"Sound kinda just means like all good" I explained to her.

"Oh I see, sound" she said back.

"Exactly" I told her before leaving her to get her shower.

As I walked back into my living room area, I saw mum sat with Pixie.

"So, you have a girlfriend? How long has this been a thing?" she asked me.

"We're on the same label and we met at the Halloween party"

"You spent Christmas with us and you didn't mention here"

"It's new, spending last Christmas together wasn't even something on our minds, we already had our own plans and I didn't mention anything because, as I said, it's new, only a few months still"

"Okay, okay put your shield down, you're always so defensive about everything. I'm simply just a mom asking her son about his relationship. She's a nice girl, very pretty and very talented" she told me.

"Yeah she is all those things and more, she's great. What did you come over for anyway?"

"Well, this morning I was told that you would be sitting next to me at the Oscar's and I was just wondering why I only found out on the day and why you never mentioned that you were invited, going and sitting with me and, the last time I checked, Eddie Redmayne was sitting next to me" she said to me and I honestly can't tell if she's suspicious or not.

"It was a last minute thing, Sam sorted it out and I asked if we could sit with you because there was no way I was letting him put with dad" I explained to her.

"Okay, that's fair. Your dad is up for two awards tonight and if he wins, you will show your support and smile for the camera. I know you both have your issues that you both refuse to sort out because you're as stubborn as each other but you're an actor and a good one, so act"

"I'll try super hard" I said sarcastically and she just rolled her eyes.

"Are you aware that you might bump into..." I cut mum off.

"Mum just stop!" I sort of snapped at her a little so she got up and came over to me.

"Baby" she said as she took my face in her hands. "I know it still hurts, I know it won't ever stop hurting but you can't ignore her for the rest of your life. You both went through something extremely painful together and she is the only person on earth who knows what you're feeling..." I cut her off again.

"I can't talk to her, I've tried and besides, she's with someone, she's happy and the last thing she needs is me bringing up that shit, and honestly, I don't wanna talk about it now either"

"Okay, honey" mum replied as she let go of me and rubbed my locket with her thumb and I instinctively did the same thing. "I love you Y/nn"

"I love you too mum"

"I best be going then, let the two of you finish getting ready. Let Hailee know it was really nice to meet her and I will see you bother later on" she said as she walked to the door and I followed behind her.

"Yeah, I'll tell her" I said as I pulled mum into a hug and she kissed me on the cheek. "See you tonight" I said as I kissed her back on the cheek.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hailee's POV:

Once I finished in the shower, Y/n went and got one and once he had finished I asked him if I could wear his West Ham jersey again and he said that I could so I put it on with some black jeans and just before we left I took a mirror selfie for my InstaStory, as I know me in a West Ham jersey links me to Y/n and keeps people talking before tonight.

"Did you teach yourself how to play guitar?" I asked Y/n as we ate pancakes.

"Nah, my brother taught me guitar when I was like eleven, my dad wouldn't get me lessons, said it was a waste of time and that I had to focus on my acting and my show but my brother being the amazing guy he was taught me instead. I taught myself piano and drums and I feel once you have those down, you can play pretty much anything to some degree" he explained to me.

"Wish I could play guitar or piano or even just keyboard"

"I'll teach you if you want" he said as he finished his food.

"I'd love that honestly"

"It's a deal then" he smiled.

"Was your brother into music?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Honestly, he's the reason I'm into music. He was in a band called, The Wallflowers, named after the book, Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Chris was the main writer, lead singer, and lead guitarist and it was his love for music that kind of really made me love music, he's the one that introduced me to all my favorite bands and artists"

"Would I know anything by them?"

"I doubt it. They had a record deal and put out their debut album, it did pretty good back home but Chris... Chris died before they finished the second album, so the guys put out the four finished songs as an EP and that was it"

This is the first time since we met that Y/n has talked about his brother and I can just tell that he meant a hell of a lot to Y/n and being close to my own brother, I can't imagine what it's like not having him around anymore.

"I can tell you miss him a lot" I said as I reach over and took his hand. Y/n just nodded with a half smile.

"Can I get you two anything else?" the waitress asked us.

"Just the cheque please" I said with a smile as Y/n pulled his hands back and searched for his wallet. "Y/n I got this one"

"Nah it's cool" he replied so I just let him pay.

As we walked back to his I looked at my Instagram and saw that Y/n had posted a story of me, it was the bottom half of my face but included the jersey and when I looked at my tagged photos, people had done the math.

"Do you wanna hear one of my brother's songs?" Y/n asked as we set off to my house.

"I'd love to"

"This was their second single ever, off of their debut album"

"I actually loved that so much" I said to him as the song came to an end, and he quietly sang along word for word.

The more time I spend with Y/n, the more I get to know him, he seems to be nothing like the rumors and stories say about him. I know he's made mistakes and done some stupid things in recent years but I'm starting to be able to separate the Y/n in the stories from the Y/n sat in the car with me right now. 


I know there's not a lot happening here, but it's like my first update in nearly a year so I'm proud of it ☺️. I'd like at least 130 votes and 20 comments, I love seeing which parts you guys liked and even how they made you feel. 

I know it's been a while, I struggle just like everyone else so your patience and support on the books mean a lot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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