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There are many words that could be used to describe the emotions flitting around the school from student to student. Lost, sad, confused, depressed. The most common emotion however, is baffled, something that every student, from a Slytherin to a Beauxbatons veela, was feeling.
They were baffled that something could have gone so horribly wrong. Baffled at the amount of disrespect coming from the incompetent ministry towards the matter of a missing child. And baffled at the fact that they were doing nothing about it.
The visiting schools could understand racism towards a witch that had not come from magical family, they were human after all, and sadly that is a part of society. But what they could not understand, is how it had penetrated the government so far that the majority of its officials were severely corrupt!
And so, one week later, they were still discussing the events of the second task. What had happened under the lake? How had it happened? Why?
Many of the older students and a few of the more able minded 3rd years, including Hagrid, had thought it connected to the death eater attack at the quidditch World Cup. They believed it was to remove the brightest muggle born from the coming fight.
A select few, thought it was a murder committed by the angry mer-people, frustrated by the restrictions of their rights. The ones who believed this theory, were the ones who were furious, and blinded by their rage, just looking for an excuse and someone or something to blame.
Others, the more brainwashed of the bunch, thought it something to be celebrated. After all, wasn't it good that there was one less mudblood in the wizarding community?
And yet, some were just sad for the loss if their dear friend.

"Where do you think Hermione is?" Asked Ginny Weasley, turning towards the Ravenclaw table. "I don't know, but perhaps the Heliopaths do...I believe I will ask them during the meteor shower." Replied Luna Lovegood in a dreamy tone of voice. Both witches were terribly frightened for their friend, and were willing to do just about anything to get her back. It was common knowledge that Hermione and Luna did not get along, due to Hermione's closed mindedness. But, that was old news. Luna and Hermione had in fact reconciled with the help of Ginny, and now the three of them were thick as thieves.
Over at the Slytherin table, Viktor Krum was losing his patience. He, and the rest of his school were expected to sit with the house of snakes, and he was at his wits end, as he was unfortunately, sat down next to the Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle heirs. Other members of their house were giving him rather pitying glances, and he was ready to get up and sit at the Gryffindor table. "-t was about time! I don't think I would've been able to stay sane, listening to the "know it all" prattle on any longer." Remarked a certain blond haired teenager.
Viktor had heard enough. He abruptly stood up, sending plates of fried tomatoes and scrambled eggs clattering across the table momentarily silencing the chatter in the hall. "I haff had enough of zis talk" said Viktor. And he left the Slytherin table, and went back to sit with Ginny, her brothers, and the kind but ditzy Blond from Ravenclaw.
They stared at him confused as he sat down. Luna introduced herself and turned to the others,"The Nargles are gone, he is of a clear mind!".

Viktor was befuddled by the girl, but thought she and Hermione's other friends were leagues kinder than the heirs he had been sitting by for the last semester. He asked if he could sit with them from then on and the ginger haired twins looked at each other, then at him.

"Why?" They asked.

"If I haff to svend anozzer minute lissening to Heir Malfoy insult Mia, I am going to hit him." Viktor tersley replied, stabbing his haggis a bit aggressively.

Ginny snorted. "Well, I'm not sorry to say that Mia beat you to it. She punched ickle Draco last term."

Viktor grinned. "Truly? I will haff to congratulate her ven she is found."

The rest of the Great Hall's inhabitants were watching the interaction, enthralled by what they were seeing. A dark wizard conversing with Gryffindor's? It even looked like they were having fun...

Right as the Weasley twins were telling Viktor the tale of how Hermione had set Professor Snape's robes on fire in her first year, there was large flash of light before a beautiful enchantress appeared at the head of the hall. She had beautiful dark skin the color of the Earth and wild, almost white blond hair floating about her head like a halo. Atop it was a mass of diamonds and black pearls laid in a shining diadem of silver, shining like fairy-spun silk. Her dress was pale green, the color of milky jade, flowing around her curvy figure like fins in the ocean. She practically radiated magic in its purest form and when she spoke it was as if she were a Siren, calling them to their final rest.

"I am Lady Magic and I have come to tell you of your departed friend." Her voice was light and clear, heavy with power.

Ginerva Weasley bowed to the Lady and touched her forehead to the cool stone floor. Raising her head and straightening her back, she mustered all of the courage of a Gryffindor and spoke to the being who had blessed her with her gifts. "Welcome to Hogwarts, my Lady. It is my greatest honor to be in your presence. I thank you for your generosity and clarity in speaking of my sister." She stated, her strong voice making it's way around the hall. The people of the visiting schools couldn't believe their eyes, Lady Magic was in in front of them! And a third year from Gryffindor was speaking to her!

Lady Magic smiled, and bent down to Ginny reaching out her hands. Cradling Ginny's face, she leaned forwards and pressed a feather light kiss on her forehead. "Thank you for the welcome, my child. You have brought honor to your name." She said warmly.

Correcting her posture, she languidly waved her hand and Ginny was removed from her place in front of her in a shower of golden specks, only to reassemble in a seat in-between Ronald and George. Turning her head to face the rest of the hall, her mouth opened once more, "Listen well, for I will not repeat myself again." Every eye and ear was suddenly turned towards her, minds sharp and ready to receive her statement. "You have failed your greatest. Hermione Granger never received what the fates had in plan for and so I have given her another chance. She has been given a new life in a time long past, one where she will receive love, praise, and glory. Because of the few in this vast room who have treated her well, I have decided to give you all a gift. You will look upon her new life to see what she will become, and then those who have treated her fairly will be blessed. I have spoken.". And with that final word she disappeared in the same light she came in and in her place was a large, shimmering screen made of gossamer fabric floating absently in the air.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They just couldn't wrap their minds around what had happened! Lady Magic.... Hermione....not fair....gone..... . The first to recover was Luna Lovegood, "Well, at least she will be happy." Although she was sad to not see her friend anymore, she had the fondest memories of their friendship that she would cherish for the rest of her life.

Viktor did not speak.

Suddenly the hall was overwhelmed with shouting. The din growing louder and louder until one could hardly hear themself think. Suddenly Albus Dumbledore stood from his seat at he professors dining table, "SILENCE!" His voice carried out for a long time, carrying the order until the room was quiet. Inside he was furious. How was Harry Potter to defeat Voldemort without the help of Hermione? Burying his emotions, he spoke, " We will gather here tomorrow and after breakfast we will witness Ms. Granger's new situation. Everyone off to bed."

The students scurried out of the room, curious and confused, but all of them ready for sleep. And so the Great Hall was empty, all but for the arguing teachers and that floating gossamer screen.


IM SO SORRY!!!! It's taken me way to long to finish this chapter, but writers block is now cleared and summer break as given me a much needed break. Updates will be more frequent and I'm very grateful for all of you who have saved this fanfiction to your reading lists!

Question, who should Viktor move on with? I have a few thoughts, but I'm asking everybody to comment who they think would pair nicely with Viktor. And remember, this is fanfiction! It doesn't have to be a girl 😉

Lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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