Your makeup

Your makeup

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Your purse

Your jewelry (Earrings)

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Your jewelry (Earrings)

Your jewelry (Earrings)

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Y/n pov"He told me red was his favorite color so why not wear it" I say

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Y/n pov
"He told me red was his favorite color so why not wear it" I say. "It will kill him not to rip it off of you" Lily says smiling. "Red is Thor's favorite color too" she adds her smile slowly fading away. "I'm sure nothings wrong didn't you say his dad is always keeping them away from being in serious relationships or something" I say trying to stop her from crying. "Yeah he said that his Father would never let him date a in his words 'mere mortal' what if he punished him because he was trying to come back to me" she says tears starting to glisten in her eyes. "Pls don't cry we are all supposed be happy right now we are getting revenge you love to get revenge on people's and your own exes" I say to make her laugh. She always laughed when I mentioned it. She lets out a giggle and her smile returns. "Oh My Goodness girl you look good and we saw him coming in though the front door" Nat says as she and Wanda walk into the room. "Yeah and I love the Color choice and in the future you can think of it as my favorite color or you know who's" Wanda adds. "Who's else loves the color red" I ask not even realizing. "Your boss you know you have a thing for him it may have been buried deep since you've been with that jackass Steve but it's their and I know it is" Wanda replies. "Yeah I've noticed that to" "Me too" Nat and Lily agree. "Hey stop shipping me with my boss once again I'm going to say my boss" I say emphasizing on boss. Just then Tony walks in. He's wearing a black tux

"Hey you ready to go I asked F

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"Hey you ready to go I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y he's in the living room and we can take the stairs so he'll see" Tony says looking down fixing his cuffs. He looks up and stairs in awe. "Ok then let's go and enjoy you don't get to see me wearing anything like this after all of this is over" I say doing a spin. "Oh sorry but I feel slightly underdressed I feel like we should match" He says. "No your fine now let's go be for the ankles give out on me" I say rubbing my ankle and then walking towards the door. Tony then leads me to the stairs and holds my left hand in one of his and the other on my lower back. Not to low but low. I hold on to the rail withy right hand. As soon as we get downstairs I can feel a pair of eyes on me. "Hey babe where are you going" Steve ask curiously. I can hear the girls coming out of the elevator. "You said you didn't have any plans for tonight so I agreed to go with Tony to his gala event" I say innocently with a smile. I see him give Tony a death stare and Tony just smiles back at him. "I asked if you wanted to do anything" he says looking back at me. "I didn't know what I wanted to do and then Tony asked what I wanted to do so I just agreed if we did do something I would have worn this anyways" I say doing a spin. "Wow it's backless I mean it looks nice on you but are you sure you want wear that with a bunch of rich men who would do almost anything to get their hands on you" he says looking me up and down. Yeah enjoy the view cause this is the last you'll see of it. "It's fine babe I got Tony he'll protect me and technically rich men wouldn't be able to see me tonight if we had something planned" I say. "We really need to go she'll be fine Steve I got her" Tony says as he looks at his watch and then puts his hand back on my lower back. "Yeah Tony's right babe we should get going see you later tonight ok" I say as Tony leads me to the elevator.

We get downstairs and Happy opens the door for us. I look down at my phone and see that Nat was calling me. "Hello" "He just asked us what he did wrong" Nat says with Wanda and Lily giggling in the background. "What did you say" "We just shrugged and said we didn't know" "And then" "Wanda asked if I planned anything for Bruce for our anniversary and I said I don't have anything planned it's just a one year anniversary" she emphasize one year anniversary. "You did not through shade at him" I say trying to hold back my laughter."Oh I most definitely did we are going to make him regret that he didn't plan anything he is not only in trouble because he cheated but he also didn't plan anything for your one year anniversary I mean I get if it was just your one month anniversary but an entire year and you don't get anything but a text is messed up I bet he expected something from you" "Yeah I guess your right but I have to go the plan is about to start" "Ok bye" "Bye". Happy comes around and opens the door for us. Tony gets out then holds his hand out to help me. I take his hand in mine then we start to walk in the building. It wasn't really a runway type thing lucky me. Then they started the questions. "How should we answer these questions" I whisper in Tony's ear. "Just follow my lead he says though his teeth while smiling and waving. "Tony is this your new girlfriend" "No but she is my date for tonight" "Isn't she dating Captain America" "We prefer not to talk about that" Tony replies to all the questions witch were pretty much the same all the way to the door. We walk in and let go of each others hand. We walk over to the bar and order our drinks.

*You both get back to the Tower*

We get back to the Tower and go up to the living room and we are met with a very upset cap.

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