7: Little Big Secret

Start from the beginning

Seth looks down at the paper to see a 95% on it. He nods and walks back.

Tyler: What's the damage?

Seth: Well that sucks, *turns paper* I got a 95.

Cameron: Oh fuck off.

Tyler: I'm starting to think you just play the part of the silent quiet kid.

Mr. Unold: Ms. White.

Emma gets up and grabs her paper. She sits back down and Luna turns around.

Luna: *Slow tune of sadness* What did you get?

Emma: Oh, I got a perfect score.

Luna: Huh?!?! You're pretty AND smart!! That's not fair at all.

Emma: I wouldn't say smart, I just have a good memory.

Luna: Hehe, that sounds like that opposite of someone I k-know-

Seth, who wasn't listening till now, looks at Luna with the stare of death.

Luna: who doesn't come here.

Emma: I've always had a good memory. I can remember things I've seen in books, but I can also remember things from when I was a little girl.

Luna: Whoa really?!?! Like a photographic memory!?

Emma: That's exactly it. It's so cool, it's almost like a superpower.

Luna: Haha! My friend is the complete opposite, he can't remember anything because he has amnesia!

Seth puts his head on his desk.

Emma: "He"? Oh, is he your boyfriend?

Luna: WHAT NO!! Of course not!! He's just a friend that's all!!!

Luna knew Seth was listening so she started to blush. Seth, on the other hand, didn't care about the boyfriend thing, he was scared that she would say his name about the memory problem. It's only been a month and a week into school and he forgot what Emma said to him on his first day.

Seth Thinking: Of course the most popular girl that for some reason talks to me has a photographic memory. The complete opposite of me! Luna, I'll kill you if you even come close to saying my name!!

Emma: Who is he?

Luna: Oh, he's just someone on my block a couple doors down!

Emma: What's his name?

Luna: Um, his name? Wow why do you want to know so much!!!

Emma: Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy, I just can't help myself with relationships you know. I've never been in one so I just love hearing about them, even if it's just friends.

Luna: Oh, well, I never had a boyfriend too so we're in the same boat there! But yea, he's just a friend, if anything we didn't really start talking till school started. I've seen him before but never talked to him.

Emma: He goes to this school? OH! *Whispers* is he in this class?

Luna: What! N-NO!! 

Emma: Boooooo. But anyways, that sounds sad honestly. 

Luna: Yeah, honestly it is. He's probably forgot most of our conversations when we were younger.

Emma: That's so sad. I can remember every conversation I've had with someone, so I can't even imagine forgetting something important as a conversation with someone I live close to.

Luna: It's ok, it's kinda like I reset with every interaction! I can be a totally different person every time.

Emma: Is it that bad?

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