1.3. Storms coming

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𝐶𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑥
0:35                                                         - 4:15
♡                          《 ► 》

This morning was a morning that Davina never liked and wished she never signed up to. She promised to John B that every time he had to go  see his social worker that she would tag along. How stupid could she be. That's why you should make pinky promises if you are certain about it.

Whilst John B was always chatting away with his social worker, Davina would be bored out of her mind on the other side of that door. The first time they went together John B was hoping that they could go in together. They had a whole plan to make her seem like the older sister so John B didn't have to go to them again. Obviously they knew every little detail about his life and knew that he had no older sister. To be fair it was the dumbest plan they ever had because the social workers thought that John B was always hiding something.

Right now Davina was sat on the chair whistling to her favourite song hoping that John B wouldn't be any longer. Every time she went, she would sit there and smile at all the people who walked pass because they did it first. She wouldn't smile at them to be polite, she would smile so they would look away from her. Most of the workers didn't even need to look down to see who was sat in that chair most of the time, she had been there so many times her face just became familiar.

When the door had shut Davina's eyes shot open to see the boy she had been waiting on for hours. Okay maybe not hours but a good amount of time. The girl raised from that chair the quickest she could have ever possibly done ready to walk out with the messy brown haired boy.

"Finally, you took your precious time. I was losing my freaking mind." Davina explained to him. "By the look on your face whatever happened in there it didn't go well."

"No, it didn't they said they're going to come over tomorrow and see if my uncle is really there, if not I'm going into foster care." John B tells her annoyed that they are trying to intrude in his life.

"Do you know what would make you slightly more happier right now?" She questions the boy whilst the two of them make there journey out of the building and on their way to the beach,

"What." He asks in return confused as to what she was going to say.

"A twizzler." She pulled out a bag of twizzlers from her pocket. Offering one to John B.

"Why do you always have twizzlers on you?" He asked her whilst grabbing one.

"Because why not."

This was a usual thing for John B, he would always walk through that door feeling alright, just to come out with a mask on saying he was alright. Anything that had to do with his family was a touchy subject for him, he still believed that his father was alive. Us pogues though knew that it was highly unlikely but John B was stubborn and didn't want to be proven wrong.

A slight breeze was caught in the air and the sun was a calm cooling colour as it kept on descending through the sky. The cut was silent as the day slowly turned into night. Bodies would come out the water ready to go back home, many would walk past the group of four sat in a circle accidentally flicking sand their way. Hellos would be said a couple times from other pogues who walked pass and were acquaintances.

𝑅𝑈𝐿𝐸 𝐵𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐾𝐸𝑅𝑆 ~ 𝐽𝐽 𝑀𝐴𝑌𝐵𝐴𝑁𝐾Where stories live. Discover now