Chapter 1- Introductions

Start from the beginning

Shay: "Also! I have one little favor to ask of you! I got done with the new clients who want to have their kids stay here. Can you stay with me after hours to give them a tour? They requested that they wanted a private one."

You: "Um... I don't know..."

Shay: "Please (Y/n)! You're my best employee and I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it as well!"

You: "Well I could, but I got some things at home-"

Shay: "I'll give you a raise."

You: "... Fine, I'll stay and help."

Shay then hugs you and stomps her feet.

Shay: "Yay! I knew I could rely on you!"

You: "Yeah, yeah. Now if you excuse me."

You head back to your room and wake up the kids in your group to go home. Once you had them all wake up, you gave them some free time while their parents came to pick them up. Slowly one by one they were all leaving the room you were in charge of.

Janice: "Bye bye Mr. (Y/n)!"

You: "Bye Janice have a nice weekend!"

Janice's mother: "Come along sweetie."

You were cleaning up some of the toys and books when you could hear a couple of moms in the hallway pass by.

Random mom 1: "Look there he is! I heard he's single!"

Random mom 2: "Really? Someone so young and that's this good with kids? What a shame."

Random mom 1: "I know right, I hope he finds someone good."

You: "I can hear you ya know...?"

You continued to clean the room for a bit and organize the books and toys that were still scattered around. You were wondering how only 10 or 12 kids can make such a mess. Then again it was about 10 to 12 kids so you had a pretty solid idea. As you were putting away books you went to grab the last one and noticed it wasn't there. You looked around to see where it went. Then you looked around and saw a little girl sitting at a table opposite from you with said book. You got close to her and saw she had blonde fox ears and tails, she was a fox vastaya. Not wanting to scare the girl, you approached her and sat in front of her.

You: "Hello there, I haven't seen you around here. What's your name?"

The little fox girl looked up from the book and you saw she had blue eyes and short blond hair. Her ears perked up to you and she seemed to be a bit nervous.

You: "It's okay, I'm (Y/n). I'm a worker here. And you are?"

???: "*Mumbling*"

You: "What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you."

???: "I said my name is-"

???: "Mai! There you are! Why did you run off?"

You turned to see another fox vastaya except you presumed her to be her mother. She looked to be wearing really flashy and fancy clothing. She walks over and notices you.

???: "I'm so sorry for my daughter!"

You: "Ah no! It's fine! She wasn't bothering me or anything."

You then see Shay enter the room with three other women and their children.

Shay: "And this is one of our other inside play and craft areas! Oh! (Y/n)! Perfect! That there is (Y/n) one of my best employees in the whole daycare!"

You wave your hand to the rest of the group who you know see. One woman stood there with her hands in her jacket pockets, she had a mask on and her pony tail sticking out of her cap. She was carrying her daughter who kinda dressed and looked like her, but you couldn't really tell since her mom was wearing a mask. The other woman who had her hair also in a pony tail but had some things floating off her shoulders looked nice and polite. Her daughter was standing next to her and she looked well behaved. The last woman had this dominating aura to her and had her hair in a couple of buns while the rest of it was loose. She was hiding her eyes behind some shades. Her daughter looked like she was wearing some expensive designer brand even for a child while she was in her mother's arms.

The Idol's Daycare (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now