"So then he was all like she barely made time for us and so i decided to cheat." Ross says while looking down at laura

Laura gives him a weird look and starts shaking her head

"How do you know it's my ex though? Like they're are so many other laura's here. I am definitely not the only on-" Laura says before getting off

"Laurs. He showed me a picture of you and started to talk about what you do as a job and everything." Ross says while playing with her hair

"This is so weird." Laura says while sitting up holding the sheet over her naked body

Ross sits up and starts pecking her neck

"Im. sorry. " Ross says while pecking her neck

"It's not your fault. Did you say anything about me?" Laura turns her head to look at him

"Mhm. i did. " Ross says while looking at her

"Well what did you say?" Laura says with a nervous smile

"I just said that you were beautiful and i couldn't imagine how you're doing and stuff." Ross says with a small smile

"Youuuu did nott." Laura says while slapping his arm

"No i did. Im sorry that he cheated on you though. You're beautiful and you don't deserve a guy like him." Ross says while grabbing her hand

Laura looks down at their hands and blushes a bit

"Sooo uh round 2?" Laura says while smirking

"get over here." Ross whispers

"You don't have to tell me twice." Laura says while climbing on top of him

7;30 pm

"Laura these fucking tacos are amazing." Noah says while eating

"I personally am not a taco fan. But these are so good laura." Calum says with a mouthful

"Thank you guys. I learned from an old cooking video on youtube and turns out i have succeeded." Laura says with a chuckle

"Have you seen ross?" Noah says while looking at laura

"Not since earlier. Maybe he's sleeping or in the shower." Laura says with a shrug

Noah gives her a smirk and leans in and whispers

"I know you guys are fucking. im not dumb or deaf laura." Noah says with a wink

"Yes we are but we are also just homies." Laura whispers back

"Fair enough." Noah says while grabbing another taco

"What did i miss?" Ross says while walking into the dining room area in a towel wrapped around his waist

"Laura made some bomb ass tacos. You should come try one." Noah says while looking at him

"Ohh i bet she did. Hey laura didn't you do laundry yesterday i thought i saw one of my shirts in your pile." Ross says while looking at laura

Laura looks up at him and gives him a small smile

"Y-yeahh i think a few of your shirts are in my pile hang on." Laura says while standing up

"i would go in your room and get them but your room is too girly and the rock collection freaks me out." Ross says with a sigh

They walk past the dining room and laura slowly opens her room door and walks in

"Okay so i think i made you a pile just becaus-" Laura gets cut off by his lips

"Go shut the door." Ross says while pulling away

"Fucking tease." Laura says while rolling her eyes and shutting the door

Ross looks down at her and grabs her waist and pulls her close and kisses her hard

"The fact you didn't invite me to come shower makes me sad." Laura says while mumbling through the kiss

"it was open invite dork." Ross says while whispering

Laura pulls away and looks down at the towel

"my friend is under this towel and he wants to say hi." Laura says playfully

"Quit fucking teasing." Ross says while looking down

Laura smirks as she slowly unwraps the towel from his waist...


HEYYY LOVELIES IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. Uhhh so life has been crazy lately. From having surgery in july to me struggling with life i have been crazy busy trying to figure out what i want to do with my life and where i wanna live etc etc. But i love you guys and i really hope y'all enjoyed this lil chapter

Btw who enjoys the spicy raura scenes? ik i enjoy writing them haha! anywaysss i love you all so much and yes im back to writing again! Yayyy

don't forget to comment,vote, and follow meee

Till next chapter!

Bye lovelies


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