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"Kurokocchi~!" came a cheer, heard by everyone inside Teiko gym.

A tall blond boy pounced into a bear hug against a smaller, pale, and blue-haired boy.

"Please let go, Kise-kun," said the boy with his iconic stoic face, the boy known as Kuroko.

"Hidoi~!" whined Kise but only tightened his hug. "Did you see my dunk? Did you, did you?!"

"I did," sighed Kuroko. "Now, please let me go."

"Kurokocchi~!" whined Kise again with crocodile tears pouring down his face. "I want praise from my instructor!"

"Oi, Kise!" barked a boy with indigo hair and tanned skin, known as Aomine. "How many times have I told you to stay away from Tetsu!"

"Hidoi! Everyone is so mean to me!" cried Kise as Aomine threw Kise to the ground and off of Kuroko. "Kurokocchi! Help me out- huh?"

Kise stopped mid whine as the small bluenette was nowhere to be seen.

"Kurokocchi!" yelled Kise in misbelief.

"Damn you," said Aomine and slapped Kise's head getting a whine back. "You chased him off."

"It's not my fault!" whined Kise and stood up. "He only disappeared when you came!"

"What was that?!" barked Aomine back.

"Kise-chin and Mine-chin are loud," pouted a 2 meter tall, violett-haired boy known as Murasakibara.

"They are always disturbing everyone in the gym," said a boy with green hair and glasses known as Midorima. "Even my lucky item can't shut them up."

Midorima adjusted his glasses while holding a green large sketchbook in his tapped left hand.

"No one cares about your Ahou Asa shit!" yelled Aomine at him.

A crack appeared on Midorima's glasses as they reflected the light, which blocked the view of his eyes.

"What was that...?" slowly asked Midorima, as he slowly turned towards him.

"That is enough," came a commanding voice.

Kise and Aomine froze while Murasakibara and Midorima just turned to find a boy with crimson red hair giving them all a stern look.

"Who gave you the say to take a break?" asked the boy, red and gold eyes glaring at them.

"W-we were just on our w-way, Akashicchi," stuttered Kise, scared.

"Oh?" said Akashi with a slight tilt of his head. "Then why are you all still standing here?"

"Sorry!" yelped Kise and sped off.


The voice made Aomine freeze straight, and he slowly turned his head around.

"Yes, Akashi?" he asked, slight hint of fear visible in his speech.

"I am sad to say that you have yet to finish your training from yesterday," informed Akashi giving off a terrifying aura. "You do know what it means if you don't finish it in the last 15 minutes, right?"

"I'm off!" said Aomine and ran off while muttering. "Why did I bother comming to practice again?"

"You two," said Akashi, turning to the other two. "Continue your normal training."

Midorima just huffed and walked off while Murasakibara had gotten himself a bag of chips while all of this happened.

"Aka-chin?" asked Murasakibara between munching his flavoured snack. "Where's Kuro-chin?"

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